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Opal POV

Chris and I have barely gotten to speak to one another since he left, a handful of text messages here and there due to the craziness of his shifts recently. But, after ten days, we're finally getting to have a date via Zoom again.

Mila has been so gracious providing meals for me, but since I can finally go back to normal activities tomorrow I've decided to treat myself with a good old gooey cheese pizza in celebration. Right on cue the doorbell rings. I grab the fattening goodness and bring it straight to my coffee table where I've already got my laptop and Coke set up and ready.

Precisely at 7 pm my laptop lights up. Answering it as quickly as I can I'm met with bright blue eyes and a mile wide smile. "Hey handsome!" I squeal into the camera.

"Hi gorgeous," he replies but pauses just as quickly. "Is that my shirt?" he asks with a cock of his head.

I look down at the blue short sleeved Henley t-shirt. "Maybe," I tease with a shrug of my shoulders. "Why? Are you missing one?"

"I think I'm missing a couple actually." I release a giggle. "I knew I shouldn't have let you pack for me when I took Pops to his treatment." He shakes his head at me. "How many did you keep anyway?"

"Just two. This one and your ivory colored sweater." I can't control the smirk on my face as I see his jaw drop just a little.

"I'm gonna need a picture of that," he requests.

"No way! It barely covers my butt, Chris."


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  "Exactly." The look on his face screaming devious. I can feel the flush come over my face as I fight the urge to hide myself from his piercing gaze. "It's good to see your face somewhere other than my dreams."

  "Have you been dreaming about me, Sergeant?"

  The sweetest expression comes across his face as he affirms my question. "What was the dream about?"

  "You and me," he says as he opens the bottle of water that was resting next to him on the night stand. I see a beautiful orange shade cover him as he's resting against his headboard, the sun setting through his floor to ceiling windows. 


  "And babies," he adds, causing my brows to shoot up.


  He nods, smiling sweetly. "Twins actually."

  I swallow harshly. "Twins?" That word, coming from him, feels very familiar to me, strangely so.

  "Yep," he pops the P, closing the water bottle and setting it off to the side again. He picks up his Chinese take out box. "You were going into labor."

  "Oh really?" I can feel my eyes going wide with shock. 

  "The funniest part of it though was that you were the calm one and I was the mess."

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