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Opal POV

  "Two weeks isn't so long, babe," I assure Chris as we stand in the middle of the Atlanta airport once again.

   This time though, it's not just the two of us, but we're surrounded by his family and my grandfather, each of us heading home after an incredible couple of days.

 Normally these words are being said by him as a reassurance to me, but yet for the first time it's me comforting him on my impending absence. 

 "A minute away from you is too long, Ope."

  I giggle at his cheesy line. I can't help but feel like there's been a little bit of a change in him from this trip. It's something that I can't quite put my finger on, but there's been a shift. It's so slight that he probably doesn't even realize it's happened.

  Off to my side I hear a loud yawn coming from a set of seats. I turn to find Pops in the middle of what appears to be a yawning fit. "Sleepy old man?" 

  He nods his head and blinks a few times. "Well in about two hours you can nap in your own bed," I say with a glance at my watch. 

  "Two hours my butt," he snaps back. "I'm sleeping on the plane. And you young lady better keep the talking and noise level to a minimum." 

  With a roll of my eyes I turn my attention back to the man whose arms are still wound around my hips. "Two weeks. Even though I'll have to share you with Ma," Chris repeats my earlier words adding in the fact that his next visit includes his mother. A male voice comes over the intercom system announcing our departing flight.

  Reluctantly I pull myself away from his arms and begin our goodbyes. A small hug to Robert who thanks me for making the trip. Scott practically lifts me off the ground in his arms, swaying back and forth as laughter escapes me.  Lisa offers a hug and holds me just  a few seconds longer. "See you soon, sweet girl," she whispers in my ear. 

  But then I turn back around for a farewell to Chris, finding him standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets looking forlorn. "Don't," I warn him, knowing that I'm barely keeping it together myself. 

I take the couple steps towards him, finding my place in front of him once again, my  hands instinctively wrapping around his slim waist. I look up at him as he removes his hands from his pockets and pushes my hair back from my face. The simple action causes my chest to flutter. "Can't help it." He tucks the hair behind both of my ears before pulling my face up to meet his own. The kiss is tender and respectful due to the fact that we're surrounded by our family. 

  However, that doesn't stop the ever so slight teasing of his tongue against my lower lip causing me to hum against him. He pulls back slightly, just enough to smirk, before kissing me sweetly once more. "I'll see you in two weeks." I hug him tightly once more before moving back to Pops and our carry on, brushing away the tears that betrayed me.

  Pops and I take a few steps towards our gate, leaving the Evans clan behind. A panic comes rushing over my, rapidly as I realize something. "Wait!" I shout to Pops, grabbing his arm to stop him just before I turn around.

  Moving quickly back to a stunned Chris I throw my arms around his neck once more. "I love you," I say against his ear as I feel him hold me tighter. 

  I feel him sigh against my neck. "I love you too, Opal. Please, don't ever forget that."  

  Hearing the announcement of our flight once more I tear myself away, already feeling the emptiness I was trying so hard to keep at bay, and go back to Pops.

Chris POV

  My mom's arm wraps around my waist, causing me to move my own arm around her shoulder bringing her in closer to my side. We watch Opal and Pops until we can no longer see them.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now