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  "It was a beautiful service, sweetie."

  Opal and Chris had finally pulled themselves away from the cemetery as the men were getting ready to lower the casket. As much as she wanted to be there with Pops through every step of the situation, she knew she couldn't let that be the moment of her last goodbye.

  Arriving to Magnolia about forty-five minutes after everyone else, Chris is still reassuring her through each motion. "One foot in front of the other," he reminds her as they step away from the car, hand in hand, and move towards the entrance to the Inn.

  Opal lifts her head as she hears Lisa's voice from the front porch, complimenting the funeral.

  "Thanks," she whispers quietly, knowing if she speaks too loudly her voice will crack and lead to another torrential downpour of tears.

  However, it doesn't stop Lisa from pulling Opal away from the safety net of Chris, and into a hug. Chris' protectiveness falters a touch, wanting to keep her close, but knowing she needs more than what he can offer, he reluctantly lets go of her hand. Yet he still catches the clenching of Opal's hand, still searching through the emptiness it holds from the loss of his own. 

  Being respectful she let's Lisa hold her, Opal's right hand patting against Lisa's back while her left hand continues to clench beside her thigh. Sensing it's been long enough, Chris places his hand on the shoulder of his mother, giving it a little pat in order to convey the need to release her.

  Lisa catches on and pulls back, placing a sweet kiss over Opal's hair before completely letting go of her and stepping back.

  Opal walks through the front door of Magnolia for the first time in days. Nothing out of place, as usual, except for the crowd of people dressed in only black. People stand around the dining room and foyer area, a few other bleeding onto the back patio.

  Chris finds his place back with Opal, his hand on the small of her back, weaving her through the small crowd towards her office. She looks up at him, slightly confused by his urging. The door, while closed, isn't locked. He opens it, guiding her into the room, closing the door behind him.

  "What are we doing?" she asks.

  Chris pulls her against into him, cradling her against his broad chest, her ear right over his heart. "Taking a minute," he tells her.

  As soon as the words leave his mouth he can feel her rigid body begin to relax. He notices her breathing evening out. "I'm not going to ask you if you're okay, because that's just stupid. But, if at any moment you feel like you need help, I'm here. Just lean into my chest and let my heart beat calm you."

  Opal's hands wrap around him tighter, her lifeline. "I love you," she tells him. "You're all I have now, Chris."

  Chris opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a knock on the office door. It opens slowly before Rae pokes her head in. Then Laura and Lily over her, all three looking like a beautiful totem pole.

"I think you have a few more than just me, love," he says with a smile before kissing her forehead.

  She lifts her head from his chest, a soft smile across her lips as she releases him from her hold. Chris moves out of the way for the friends to pull Opal out of the room.

"How about the fact that you called him a genius when he lit that fire?" Lily announces.

Opal giggles as she remembers the camping trip Lily is talking about. "I mean, I was five so I didn't actually know that you could make fire rather easily."

"But he never let you forget it," Rae points out. "He wanted to make sure you knew that you dubbed him a genius."

  Chris leans on the banister of the porch as Opal sits in one of the rocking chairs. His tie discarded along with the suit coat, his sleeves rolled to the elbow while the top two buttons of his dress shirt have been undone.  Their friends littered around the space, coming and going, taking part in the discussion of memories.

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