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Chris POV

  "You realize the next wedding we go to will probably be our own?"

  I unlock the apartment door, holding it open for Opal to enter.  "What? You don't think Cooper will be next," she teases with a smile before collapsing on my couch.

  "Highly doubtful," I laugh as I toss my keys onto the table closest to the door. I lay my suit coat over a dining chair before sitting on the coffee table in front of Opal. I lift her tired legs one at a time, slowly undoing the strap to her heels before sliding them off of her feet. 

  "Hmm," she hums as she relaxes more, laying her head back on the couch, closing her eyes. "A girl could get use to this." 

 I begin massaging her feet, going between gentle rubbing to full pressure in the spots I know she needs most. "Lucky for you, you'll be getting it for a lifetime." 

  "Lucky indeed," she whispers, opening her eyes slightly to see the small smile playing upon my lips. 

  "Are you ready to relax in bed, call it a night or?" I ask, moving onto the other foot.

  "Or what, Evans?" Her eyes fully open now.

  I concentrate on massaging her foot, but cast a small glance up as I ask, "What do you say to a late night swim?" She pauses for a moment, contemplating.

  "Do you have a pool here?"

  I nod my head slowly. "I do. One I think you'd really like."

  "Is this just your way of seeing me in fewer clothes?" she quirks a brow, narrowing her eyes, but the corner of her lip turns up giving away her teasing.

  I'm positive my smirk gives me away. "Well, someone promised me a trip to the beach in March, that didn't happen."

  "Yeah, I know. Too busy getting hit by a car and all."

  "So, I mean you kind of owe me," I say, dropping her feet back to the floor, leaning closer to her.  She meets me halfway, giving me her lips.

  "You're gonna be disappointed."

  I kiss her again. "Why do you say that?"

  "Because nothing can top how sexy I was in that hospital gown."

  I can't help but bark out a loud laugh, doubling over at her joke. "Can I be the judge of that?" I ask once I've calmed myself down again.


Opal POV

  Standing in the master bath of Chris' bedroom I stare at my body through the mirror in front of me. I had only packed a bathing suit because part of what Laura had wanted to do was spend some time out by the pool of their subdivision. I'd managed to not let any of the men see me in my suit that day, since Chris was 'working' he'd missed it as well. 

  My hands go immediately to cover the two incisions from my two surgeries. Now I'm wishing I'd gone suit shopping and bought a one piece. 

  "You alright in there?" Chris asks after a soft knock to the bedroom door. 

  "Uh, yeah. Just another second." I pull my engagement ring off, setting it off to the side of the sink. I sift through my bag, locate my cover up and toss it on quickly.  I open the door to see Chris in black swim trunks and a white tee. "All set," I say with a smile. 

Chris picks up two towels off of the dining table along with his keys and cell. He holds the door open for me before locking it behind himself.  

  I follow beside him to the elevator, surprised when he presses the up button. I give him a look of confusion. "I thought we were going to the pool." 

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