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Chris POV

   The next few days move both quickly and slowly at the same time. Any moments I've been able to steal away in conversation with Opal time seems to move faster than normal. But of course the time in between at the station seems to drag by.

   Spencer is heading down for the weekend to visit Laura, and I'm incredibly jealous over it. But, I'm covering for him since he covered for me, it's just the way it works out this time around. However, I'm sending a small package down with him that will hopefully, eventually get to Opal. Spencer isn't staying at the Inn, choosing to stay with Laura at her place. I think it's a bit early, but what do I know? I'm ready to upheave my life for a woman I've spent just a few days with, who isn't even officially "mine,." not to mention who could run away at any given time.

   Since being back on shift I've been getting ribbed a bit by Cooper. I'm not surprised. He's almost forty and single, still attempting to act as though he's in his early 20s, cop by day, frat boy by night. 

   "You're not gonna settle down with a girl that lives in another state, Evans. Why are you even attempting to pursue this?" he asks over breakfast at the end of our shift. Again, we're with Janie and Spencer as well. Spencer shoots off a look, basically telling him to back off but Cooper is Cooper and let's his mouth run. 

   This time, after actually getting to know Opal a bit, I'm better prepared to not fly off the handle and threaten him to walk home. "How's that wife of yours doing? Oh, that's right, there's not one. There's not even a girlfriend. Not even a date in sight, isn't that right?" I quip. 

   "I'll be feeling the body of another woman before you'll even get to see your girl again," he says pushing my buttons. 

   Spencer jumps in now. "Coop, don't you ever worry about diseases? I mean, have you even finished your last round of antibiotics?"  That shuts Cooper up as his head hangs down, but sends the rest of up into an uproar of laughter. 

   Whitney brings by the checks and takes our payments before we head back to the station to get our own vehicles. 

   "Do you ever think you'll settle down, Cooper?" I ask once we head in the direction of the station. I think he likes to put on a show around several of us, but I'm genuinely curious if he's being serious about his lifestyle or if he's showboating.

   The smirk he had on earlier seems to have gone away completely. "I, uh, I don't know to be honest. I mean, I don't want kids and most women do. That's usually an instant deal breaker. Have you and your friend talked about that yet? You may find that you're barking up the wrong tree too?"

   Deflection, very Cooper like. "No, we've not talked about that but we're not in a relationship. I'm just trying to be her friend," I remind him as I turn onto a side street that leads back to the station. A car follows very close behind us, actually tailgating my cruiser. I give the driver time to back off but after another quarter mile it's still practically riding my bumper.

   "Guess we're not quite off duty just yet," I say as I flip my lights on and come to a stop on this quiet road, blocking the car behind me. 

    "How dumb do you have to be to tailgate a cop?" Cooper asks as he climbs out of the car.


   "I mean, I kind of have to agree with Cooper, that was incredibly stupid," Opal tells me after I tell her about my shift.

   "The worst part was it was a teenager, the son of one of our officers. He begged us not to say anything to his dad," I say with a laugh.

   "Are you gonna?"

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