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  As soon as the plane lands in Jacksonville, Opal is on her phone attempting to find out if there's been any new information. Lily assures her quickly that there's no change at this time, and that the doctor will come by as soon as she gets there.

  She stands off to the side, unable to keep herself still, as Chris waits for the luggage at baggage claim. Even on the plane she couldn't be still, some part of her always moving. Her leg would jump up and down, or her foot swing side to side, fingers tapping against the arm rest. 

  Chris would attempt to comfort her in some way, place his hand on her knee, or her thigh, hold her hand, wrap him in his arms. But there was nothing he could truly do to make her feel any differently than she did.

  There was no comfort he could bring her, unless he could promise Opal that Pops would be fine. And he couldn't  do that at this point.

  That's not to say that his efforts stopped. He spoke kindly with her, watched his words to make sure nothing came across the wrong way. But the fact that she wouldn't really respond to his efforts caused him to give her the space he knew she needed. 

  As soon as Opal saw Chris grab the last bag from the carousel she's already heading for the exit. Chris tries to catch up to her but struggles with all the luggage, that is until Opal stops suddenly in the middle of the parking garage.

  "Ope?" he says quietly.

  "I can't remember where we parked," she says with frustration.

  "Baby," he watches his tone, "that's because we drove up to Atlanta after Rae's shower. My car is at the Atlanta airport."

  She blinks rapidly, shaking her head. "Right. You're right. Sorry."

  "No reason to apologize." Chris shifts the bags around. "Jameson said he's on the second floor, right by the elevator."

  Opal turns to her right having spotted the elevator. No one says another word as they reach the second floor of the garage, spotting Jameson who's standing outside of his car.

  "Hey," he calls out to the couple once he spots them walking out of the elevator. 

  "Hey man," Chris calls out. "Thanks for this." Opal is already climbing into the passenger seat as the men throw the luggage into the trunk of the SUV.

  "How is she?" Jameson asks his friend. Chris just looks back at him sadly, shaking his head from side to side, his shoulder slumping.

  The cars horn blows, urging them to get inside the car. "Let's go, please!" Opal calls from inside the vehicle. 

Chris POV

  Opal has barely spoken to me since I gave her the news. 

 Our time in Vegas cut drastically short as we left the hotel less than an hour after checking in. I'm doing the best I can to give her the space she needs, even though it's increasingly difficult. Watching as she almost wants to crawl out of her skin, the news too much for her to comprehend at this time; possibly ever.

  My heart is hurting and I can't do anything to fix it for her.

  She only cried for a couple of minutes on the hotel room floor, right after the news. Then as if a switch flipped, she became like stone, no emotions present outside of agitation.

  Jameson puts the car in park once we reach the hospital. Opal jumps out, running towards the entrance quickly. I hurry after her, Jameson right behind me. She pauses at the directory board, looking to see the quickest way to get to the CCU.

  Now noticing that she is in fact in the middle of the hospital her urgency falters, having become increasingly aware that there are people all around her. I reach her side, moving my hand to hold hers only to miss it when she steps forward once more.

  Once again, she's ahead of me, stopping only to hold open the elevator for myself and Jameson. He shoots me a concerned look as he notices she won't give anyone or anything attention outside of fiddling with her fingers. No eye contact, no words of hello to one of her dearest friends. 

  I could attempt to read her mind. I'm relatively sure I'd find much of the same things I saw the night of his last hospital trip. The woman in front of me threatening to revert into a very scared little girl. And the thought terrifies me.

  Jameson steps out of the elevator first, leading us in the direction of the waiting room. I can hear the laughter of our friends the closer we get. But just as I hear that, I see Opal tense up even more, which I didn't think was possible.

  "Opal," I say tentatively. She glances over her shoulder at me. "I love you."

  "You too," she responds with before walking over the threshold of the waiting room door.

  "Ope!" Lily cries out rushing towards her best friend, wrapping her up in her arms. I notice Opal's body relax only slightly by the familiarity of the woman that's been like her sister. 

  "How is he?" Opal ask, paying no one else any mind as they gather around her. Rae, Anthony and even Mila all waiting to shower their friend with affection.

  Lily gives a small shrug of her shoulders. "They won't tell us anything since we aren't family. Let me go tell the nurses that you're here and maybe they can get the doctor down here." Lily walks away as Rae takes her place.

  I move closer to Opal once more. Placing my hand on the small of her back I lean down close to her ear. "Maybe you should sit,"  I offer motioning over to a small couch. 

  "I'm fine," she answers me, again without eye contact. I step back once more. 

  "Miss Lucas," a young nurse calls to Opal from the entry way. "Would you follow me?'

  She gives a small nod and immediately begins to follow the nurse. I take a step after her before she holds her hand up to stop me. "No." 

  I'm stunned, stopping immediately. Remembering the fact that she couldn't even go into his hospital room without me last time. She couldn't even turn the knob on the door handle, frozen in fear. And now, she doesn't need me.

Opal POV

  What everyone sees is a woman focused and centered, with one mission. 

  What I know is I'm a woman with multiple missions. Don't fall apart. Don't be vulnerable. Don't let anyone in. Rely on the only person you've ever been able to because the other is lying unconscious in a hospital bed. 

  I hear Chris timidly tell me he loves me as I walk down the hall to the waiting room. I can't look at him long enough or else I'll drop this resolve. Glancing over my shoulder for a half of a second, "you too," I say before finding my way into the room. 

  Lily rushes me, wrapping me in her arms. My tension relaxes only slightly, allowing me to exhale just a bit before I pull back. "How is he?"

  I listen as Lily gives the typical hospital spiel, no one willing to give them information because they're not family. As she leaves to notify a nurse Rae takes her place but it's Chris' hand on the small of my back that I feel the most, along with his breath against my face as he attempts to make me sit down. "I'm fine," I tell him, still refusing to give him eye contact. 

  "Miss Lucas," the nurses voice pulls me away from everyone. "Would you follow me?"

  I nod at the nurse and begin to follow behind her, aware that Chris is taking a step towards her as well. "No," I say to him while holding my  hand up to stop him. Without another glance I keep my attention on the nurse in front of me, following her until she reaches a room.

  The wall facing the nurses station is all glass, a sliding door as the entry. She motions to the hand sanitizer beside the door, signaling for me to use it before entrance. I do as I'm told, finally looking up and into the room, completely unprepared for the sight before me. 

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