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Opal POV

"When's the date?"

My eyes fly open wide, surprised by the question Lily poses. I catch her eye through the mirror as the hair dresser is finishing up my hair for the wedding ceremony.

"What's with the face, Ope? It's a really simple question," she tells me.

"I've been engaged for less than forty-eight hours. There is no date set, nor will there be one right away." The stylists asks me to close my eyes as she begins to spray my hair, attempting to keep the curls in place. When she gives me the all clear I open them and begin choking on the amount of the spray's scent that still lingers.

Rae passes me her bottle of water. I take a couple swallows and finally manage to stop coughing. "Sure that wasn't due to the question Lily asked you?" her brow quirked as she speaks only loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes, I'm sure."

It's a tiny bit of a white lie. When I think about this next step with Chris I falter between pure joy and absolute fear. A conversation I'm sure I need to have with Chris soon, but now is not the time. In fact, it may not be a discussion for this trip at all.

I move out of the way so the stylist can begin cleaning up since I was the last one of the four of us to get finished. We step across the hallway where Laura's getting the last touches done on her make up. It's been a nice treat, wedding gift really, for the girl's from her new salon to offer up their services free of charge.

Traveling back and forth to Atlanta, along with the new hospital bills, is getting to be a touch expensive. I'm thankful we've hit tourist season at Magnolia, constantly staying at least 80% booked each week.

There are multiple reasons why my own wedding will not be happening any time soon, but that's for me to dwell on, not everyone else. Today is meant to be a joyous occasion and that's just what I'm going to make it.

"Alright, ladies!" I shout, clapping my hands. "Let's get dressed so we can get this woman dolled up and down the aisle!"


Chris POV

If someone had asked me, that first weekend back in Jacksonville, if I'd be standing at the end of an aisle again, watching Opal walk towards me, I would've laughed. That woman fought me around every turn, even when I thought I was making headway she'd push me back.

But, here I am. Standing up next to Spencer, watching the procession start. Rae begins as Lily follows her.

Then, I see her. My girl. My Opal.

I remember seeing her walk down the aisle for Jameson and Lily's wedding. There was such a lack of confidence in her, keeping her head down with giving me just a small glance and a large smile.

This time, is a whole different story.

Opal glides down the aisle from start to finish, eyes up, smile bright and wide. The same smile she's had since I proposed just two nights ago. Her gaze holds mine the whole trip down, causing my heart to race.

I can't wait for her to be walking to join my side at the end of the aisle.

  I watch her as long as I possibly can, until she's out of my eye sight on the other side of Spencer. T We all turn our attention to the back as we watch Laura and her father take the final steps onto the rooftop brewery where we see them take a shot of something, causing the guests to laugh loudly, before they begin their walk to Bruno Mar's Marry Me.

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