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  "I think I understand why a bride and groom elope now," Chris groans as he falls face first onto the couch.

  Opal follows right behind him, planting herself on top of his butt as she slips her heels off. "This is nothing in comparison," she laughs out as she lays back on the couch, still remaining seated on his bottom. "But, at least you now see this side of my job with Magnolia."

  The wedding went off without too much of a hitch, outside of the flower issue the night before. Opal prides herself in the fact that the bride, nor her mother, had any clue that they were not the original floral order. 

  "You amaze me, Ope. Seriously. You've built something really incredible here."

  Opal knows she has a hard time accepting any form of compliment, but this one she can't help but agree with, relishing in he growth she's accomplished with her business. 

  Opal lets her hand run through Chris' hair, listening to him hum at the gentle contact before moving a bit lower, kneading at his shoulders. "You're gonna put me to sleep, love."

 She gives her butt a little wiggle, acting as though she's trying to get comfortable. 

  "Anybody ever tell you that you've got a boney butt?" he asks over his shoulder.

  "I haven't had complaints yet, Evans. You tellin me you're gonna be the first?"  She flicks his ear with her fingers.

  "Ow, woman!" Opal starts to giggle as Chris quickly rolls over onto his back causing Opal to rest right on his lap now, sending her into an even bigger fit of laughter. He reaches up and pulls her down against his chest, holding her tightly against him.

  "You leave tomorrow don't you?" she asks him quietly, her face angled to look at him.

  "Not until 7 PM."

  "So we can have most of the day together?" Chris murmurs a yes as he nods his head. "Want to have brunch with Pops and I tomorrow, for my birthday?"

 "I'd love nothing more." Opal shifts, laying her head against his chest, her ear over his heart. "This feels good," he whispers, one hand threading through her wavy locks while the other runs up and down her arm. 

  Opal releases a loud yawn, unable to stifle it no matter how hard she tries. "Maybe a little too good," she mumbles against his chest, nuzzling herself further against his toned frame. 

  Chris reaches up to the back of the couch, grabbing the dreaded Jaguar blanket he had used the night before. He pulls it over Opal's form, tucking both of them in right where they lay. 

  "Do you need to set an alarm, Ope?"  Chris waits for an answer until he realizes her breathing is too even for her to still be awake.  He enjoys the moment, taking in the weight of Opal's body against his own. He wants to remember the feeling of her hair that has splayed against his shirt but also up against his neck. He breathes in deeply, finding comfort in the smell of her shampoo and perfume using one of his large hands to push her hair back off of her face. 

   "I love you, Opal."


  Chris POV

  "How do you look so refreshed, Ope girl? Didn't you have a busy day yesterday?" Pops questions his granddaughter when we pick him up for brunch on Sunday.

  Pops wouldn't notice it but I see a light pink tint come over Opal's cheeks. "Guess I just had a really great night's rest," she admits timidly, knowing that she spent the entire night asleep on the couch against me. 

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