Chapter 1: The Start

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" RIMURU! " milim sounded troubled in rimuru's head. "what's the matter?" Rimuru's head tilted in question. "I think I did something bad.." milim said sheepishly. "milim what did you do." Rimuru's glare made it harder for milim to answer. "I accidentally opened some kind of vortex to another universe... sorry."

But milim looked happy almost as if she did it on purpose." you should close it before someone goes into it, they might get hurt." "no no you should close it~," milim said it mischievously rimuru then was suspicious, the (BLUE) haired boy then went along with it,

as he knew that milim was gonna push him in but what he didn't know was that milim was also gonna jump in with him. "sure I'll close it," he said sarcastically.

"Woah!, this portal is huge! How did you accidentally make it?!" He exclaimed. " uhhh, I don't know." She said it like she was unsure as rimuru was about to close it then milim shouted: "push!" Rimuru knew it! she was gonna push him, but beyond his expectation milim jumped in as well.

2 hours later...

Rimuru groaned from pain on his back, "what happened?" Rimuru then suddenly turned to his right and left but there was no sign of milim," where could that girl be?" Rimuru questioned.

"WAH!, where am I?!" Milim's sky blue eyes then started to turn glossy with her tears which weren't real because she could sense someone watching her, and their aura was strong, not as strong as hers tho.

After a few minutes...

"Milim!!, where are you!" rimuru searched everywhere but no sign of milim. Rimuru then started to panic as he was thinking about what milim would do if he wasn't around to restrain her from destroying other property.

As milim was walking that strong aura was still following her, as she was walking her body senses spiked at an attack." wow! You're fast! Almost like lightning~" the strange tall man's comment hit her as she turned around she saw the number 2 characters written on his beautifully Rainbowed eyes,

milim wasn't using that much power as she wasn't as she does with rimuru when they spar, this guy was weak compared to her.

As rimuru was thinking he didn't even look in front of himself as he hit a wall, he noticed he was in a humble village that gave off happy vibes, he then saw a boy wearing hanafuda earnings. Rimuru walked towards him as he was carrying charcoal on his back.

"I'm so sorry for attacking you, at first I thought you were human but I guess I was wrong, I am sorry" he grinned as he said it." anyways..., what's your name? Mine is dōma, what's yours?" he said cheerfully." well... Hi dōma! I'm Milim Nava! Nice to meet you!" they both practically and technically had the same personality at this point.

"Thank you for letting me stay here Kamado-san." rimuru thanked. "Oh of course! It's okay and tanjiro is fine." the boy with hanafuda earrings had given off a heavenly aura compared to milim and other people he has met before. "Oh and sorry for mistaking you for a girl at first." he let out a nervous laugh as he said so. "No no! it's okay a lot of people mistake that as well when they first meet me." with his hands waving lightly.

rimuru let out a slight hum in worry, "are you alright? You sound worried." tanjiro asked rimuru." huh? oh yeah, I'm okay, it's just...
I'm worried about milim my friend."

Hello! I hope that whoever reads this enjoys it! This is Sophie-chan signing off!

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Hello! I hope that whoever reads this enjoys it!
This is Sophie-chan signing off!

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