5k special: milim x rimuru

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Hello! Dear readers! So assuming you know what this chapter Is gonna be about! Now let's get straight to the chapter!

Btw this is not canon with the actual story!!
And this contains nudity and mentions of you know... Lovemaking?

So be warned...


It was another beautiful morning in my room and a naked milim in my bed!

Rimuru- wait- a naked milim? Wait!!!! I'm naked too!!!!

I started to panic when milim woke up.

"Ohayo!! Ri-mu-ruuuu!!!"

Milim-huh? What's wrong with rimuru?

I looked at her and I also noticed that the bed was really...

Rimuru- wet?

My eyes widen and I start to panic again.

"Milim! What happened?" I asked milim with a frantic look on my face.

"You don't remember? Well..." milim started.

Yesterday night...


I was going to rimuru's bedroom when one horn was outside with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong one horn?" I asked.


"Yes, that, but what's wrong?"

"Great rimuru is drunk I don't know why tho..."
Shion replied.

Milim- I should go in!!

"Milim-sama! What are you doing?!?" she said with a panicked stare.

"To go inside to him!"

I opened the door before she could protest.

Then, shut the door and locked it behind me, "rimuru?" I asked but no one answered.
Then I saw rimuru on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"What's the wrong rimuru?" I asked while walking towards him.

As I was beside him I sat down and looked at him, he was drunk...

He looked at me with an emotionless look, "milim..." rimuru said with still an emotionless look.

"Come here..." he said with a gulp at the end. I went nearer to him. He sat up and hugged me with his face in the crook of my neck.

Then he stopped hugging me and looked at me.

Then he blinked twice at me then closed his eyes and then kissed me, then he pushed me down on the bed then-

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Stop!!!!! Don't finish that sentence!" I exclaimed whilst waving my hands around frantically.

" why not? We're almost to the best part!~" milim said with a perverted smirk at the end on her face.

Then milim hugged me and kissed my cheek.

I blushed and had an exhausted sigh at the end. Then I smiled and patted her head.


Hello! This was suggested by: Akemi_Tempest

Thank you for 5k everyone!!!

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