Announcement (3)

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Hello!, I will not be updating such a while for a long time because I'm grounded from my mom.

U might be wondering why well, I was at school minding my own business when I was doodling and drawing muzan( don't ask why) when someone a higher grade saw my drawing and said I was an otaku,

I was pissed off when he said that otakus are stupid, I then punched him in the face so hard that his nose started to bleed, then a nearby classmate had tattletale on me.

And the teacher stopped us, then I got called to the principles office, then my mom got there and glared at me.

When we got home, she slapped me, I was pretty used to it but then she grounded me in my room and forbid me from using my cellphone.

And if I'm being honest, my senpai deserved that punch.

So what I'm saying is I won't be able to update for a while, thank you for listening.

Sophie-chan is signing off...

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