Chapter 9: velzard joins the game

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•Velzard• (new pov!)

I was walking around rimuru's territory when all of a sudden I sensed an incredibly high power emit from the forest in the trees nearby I went to check it out,
Then I heard milim saying "push!" I don't know what she was trying to do but from such power, I could tell she was up to no good.

As I was walking I saw diablo preparing to close a giant portal.

I went up to him and tapped on his shoulder " diablo? What are you doing?" I questioned as he turned around " velzard-sama?" diablo said with a shocked face.

"Did milim create this?" I asked diablo.

"Yes! But I helped her with it" diablo replied while smiling like his usual self in his usual tone.

"Hmm..." I smirked smugly when an idea popped into my head.

"Say... Diablo" I said while gripping diablo's shoulder " did milim say that no one else could get in that portal?".

"Um... No, I don't think so" diablo replied.

I started laughing a lot which made diablo flinch when I started laughing for no reason.

3 hours had passed.

I woke up in a room, I sat up and looked around, I noticed bandages on my head and arms wearing a white kimono and slightly remembering what happened.

I was in the portal I got out then I hit a bunch of trees cuz I wasn't looking where I was going, I tripped on a tree root and fell off the mountain I was on, I couldn't control my speed cuz the air was very tight on the mountain, and the power in this world was very weak so It was tiring, then I just kept on rolling until I eventually fell on a rock a very big on It hurt so much I grunted in pain.

You might be wondering why I couldn't stop on my own, I am a true dragon, after all, well when I first entered the portal a familiar voice had come into my head.

«if you go into this world, it will get destroyed»

Velzard-wait what? Why?

«since 2 powerful beings, milim Nava and rimuru tempest are both already in this world, this world cannot take you or the world will crumble.»

Velzard-hmm... Okay, all I need to do is seal all my powers!
And that's why I can't stop on my feet well I can but I'm rolling a little too fast so I couldn't stop.

As I was looking at the ceiling I heard the door to my right open, revealing a short beautiful woman and she had a butterfly haori with a smile on her face.

"Ah! I see you're awake, ohayo-guzaimas!" the woman spoke in a gentle voice. "O-ohayo..." I said weakly.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked her.
"You are in the infirmary right now to heal your wounds, and I'm kocho Shinobu nice to meet you ms.?" the woman stated.

"Velzard" I replied to her question.


Shinobu let out a hum in the confusion of velzard's name since it was a strange name but Shinobu didn't judge.

"Well, velzard-san" Shinobu continued "I prepared you some food, let's go, shall we?" the woman asked as I sat up and turned to her, and seeing her hand stretched out to me.

A few minutes later...

As I was feasting on such delicious food with 2 rice cakes in my 2 hands. There were 2 people beside me eating as well.

There was a man with flashy hair and there was a girl with unique hair color.

"UMAI! UMAI! UMAI!" the man exclaimed beside me shoving tempura in his mouth.
"This is tasty! I love it!" the girl beside me said while holding chopsticks and holding something called 'sakura mochi'.

"Hey, hey, velzard-san! I love your hair color! It's so unique! Kyaa!! You're so kawaii!!" mitsuri remarked with a very big smile on her face.

"Thank you! Mitsuri-san." I replied.

"UMAI UMAI!" rengoku kept on repeating his words " I agree with mitsuri! Your hair Is very unique!" rengoku claimed.

"Aww! Thank you! You guys are so nice." I replied to both of their compliments, "Hey, want to play badminton? Velzard-san!" mitsuri asked me.

"Sure!" I replied.

There was an annoying announcer beside both me and mitsuri.

And that announcer was rengoku,

"And mitsuri kanroji joins the game!!!!!" rengoku shouted.

"Then velzard joins the game!!!!" he was starting to get on my nerves.

We started to play badminton aggressively.

Happy reading!❤️ next chapter:What is milim hiding?

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Happy reading!❤️
next chapter:
What is milim hiding?

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