Chapter 2: The smell of blood...

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Dōma giggled as he and milim talked." say milim-chan...I have a question." dōma said as he spread his fans." sure ask away!" milim reassured, "what are you?" dōma's question made milim look at him.

Then the atmosphere went quiet as the two looked at each other. " huh?" milim played dumb as she said so. " well, aren't we friends now? And friends tell each other everything right?." dōma placed his hands on her shoulders looking at her and dōma smiled lightly at milim.

Milim- well, I mean rimuru wouldn't get super mad... So it wouldn't hurt to tell!

"Tanjiro-kun!" rimuru shouted as tanjiro turned around to see rimuru running towards him. "What is it? rimuru-san?" tanjiro's head tilted in question. "I want to come with you to sell charcoal." rimuru said with a genuine smile. " why? You could just stay here instead." tanjiro's aura is still bright as ever.

"Maybe you run into my friend milim so I wanna make sure she doesn't destroy- I mean is fine!" rimuru smiled sheepishly.


" uwah! Your so cool milim-chan!!" dōma said with a cheeky smile on his face.


"Are you alright milim-chan? Cat got your tongue?"dōma said teasingly to milim. " and why would I tell you?" milim said with a smug look on her face, dōma frowned in disappointment, Milim then thought,

Milim- well... Rimuru won't get super mad... So I should tell him, dōma is interesting of course.

End of flashback...

Milim and dōma started to talk again, as they both lay next to each other laughing their butts off.

Finally, the 2 had finished selling charcoal, soon they went home, but someone had stopped the both of them in their tracks, it was a man in a little house below them he said that we had to come inside," but why?" tanjiro's head tilted in question, "there are demons out here, come inside"

As the 2 went into the little house tanjiro questioned, "can demons not go into houses?" tanjiro said while rimuru was quiet," yes they can, but it's better to stay inside, now get some sleep you can wake up in the morning and leave.".

The 2 then left the little house, as they were walking rimuru froze as his eyes widened in horror he then sprinted towards tanjiro's house. Then as tanjiro tried to keep up, he also noticed...

The smell of blood...

Hello! Readers! For people who have been reading this since the start, you notice that I changed it, I hope you enjoy this, and uhm what was I supposed to say again? Oh yeah!

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Hello! Readers! For people who have been reading this since the start, you notice that I changed it, I hope you enjoy this, and uhm what was I supposed to say again? Oh yeah!

This is Sophie-chan signing off~

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