Chapter 6: Traveling

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Dōma said with surprise, "um, yes?" milim said while smiling sheepishly with one of her eyebrows up.
Dōma was still in silence at her response.

Milim without a doubt blew her cover because milim didn't know that demons couldn't walk in the sun in this world.

Dōma's jaw dropped, then he asked milim if she was lying.
Milim then went outside to the sun.
Dōma was speechless seeing her like this walking in the sun and all.

Milim went back inside to see dōma's mouth form an 'o' shape, then a servant approached them "dōma-sama your worshipers are here."

By the way, this is what milim is wearing:

"Oh, sorry milim-chan, we can talk later!" dōma then walked off to meet his worshipers

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"Oh, sorry milim-chan, we can talk later!" dōma then walked off to meet his worshipers.



After then I and tanjiro buried his family remains, then as we traveled, the sun started to come out more, I and tanjiro put nezuko in a cave while we went out and tried to find a basket for nezuko to fit in,

we then found a man with a torn-up basket, " hello sir! I was wondering if you are still using that basket?" tanjiro asked the man, " if you want it you can have it but it has a hole in it." the man claimed, " it's fine! Let me pay you first." tanjiro said while taking money from his pocket " I don't need any, there's no need to pay" the man said with furrowed brows " no I want to pay!"

"Let me pay!" tanjiro exclaimed.

"you're such a stubborn kid! I told you I don't need it!" the man and tanjiro argued.

After that, I and tanjiro went back to nezuko.
After seeing her not there tanjiro got worried but then nezuko appeared her head out of the hole she made.
She was like a mole now, I and tanjiro then attempt to put nezuko in the basket tanjiro fixed.

Nezuko turned herself smaller and smaller until she could fit in the basket.

We then traveled to sagiri Mountain, as we traveled tanjiro could smell blood coming from a shrine, we went to check on them...

Hello readers! I am back I feel so much better now, thank you for waiting for the update! I think my writing is getting better tell me what you think! This chapter is edited

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Hello readers! I am back I feel so much better now, thank you for waiting for the update! I think my writing is getting better tell me what you think! This chapter is edited.

This is Sophie-chan signing off.

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