Chapter 11: Training

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A few months had passed and I and rimuru were expected to cut a huge boulder.

And rimuru cut it perfectly was very surprised:

And rimuru cut it perfectly was very surprised:

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I mean... He cut a boulder! He was trying to help with me cutting the boulder but master urokodaki didn't allow it, he wanted me to train by myself, without help.

It was very frustrating...

I was in the house drinking tea like I didn't just slice a boulder in half.

As I was drinking I felt pity for tanjiro. I was here having a nice cup of tea while he works his ass off risking his life.

I even mastered a breathing technique (A/N: you guys can choose whatever breathing technique, there is a list at the end of this chapter) but as I was thinking I looked at nezuko with a smile it was pretty to see her rest while tanjiro was paranoid about her.

As I was drinking I had a thought communication with... Milim.

Milim: „hello! Bestie~„

Rimuru: „what is it now?"

Milim: „didn't you tell me that I can tell you everything later? Well, now it's later!!"

Rimuru: „yes but-„

Milim: „ow! That hurts!! Don't slap me!„

Milim accidentally talked to "someone" in the thought communication In mistake for talking to muzan who was slapping her.

Rimuru: „uh you okay?„

Milim: „no-„

Rimuru: „what kind of people are you with?!„

Milim: „before I answer that question... Velzard's here!„

Milim was excited while I was sweat-dropping.

Rimuru-[how did velzard get here?!]

«Answer. By going through the portal that you and milim went into, thanks to the individual called: diablo.»

Rimuru- „wait- milim! How did you know that velzard was here? Aside from her aura„

Milim- „well... I went to visit her! She seems to be doing well!„

Rimuru- „what do you mean by, visit her?„


I escaped from bestie number 2's grip and ran like sonic.

I eventually made it to velzard and I saw her passed out and her head was bleeding as I was about to approach her, 3 small figures had run towards her with panicked looks on their faces.

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