How much

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Ed is home.  The words resonate in your head over and over again, making you repeat the phrase so you actually believe it.  And even though he’s there, it still doesn’t seem real.  But Ed is home.  This time around he’s only off for a week, but it’s better than nothing at all, and for once, he came home early in the day versus later when he usually would, and you anxiously awaited his arrival after not seeing him for two full months. 

He walked through the door with his bags and guitar clustered around him and it hit you the second he dropped it all and reached out his arms.  The feeling of him being gone for two months, of the bed being void of him for eight full weeks and the house lacking his scent and just him for fifty six straight days all washed away like water down a drain.  Although you knew he was on his way, it hit you like a tidal wave, your hands cupping your mouth and tears spilling down your cheeks when he appeared in the door.    

You ran and he outstretched his arms, a wide welcoming smile on his face when he saw you heading straight for him.  You leapt into his arms and suddenly there wasn’t anything like it.  His fingers denting the soft flesh under your thighs, or his lips warm against your forehead.  He felt like home. 

Aside from smothering you in affection, the first thing he wanted to do was shower.  You helped him carry his bags to the bedroom, still with a smile plastered over your mouth.  He lowered his guitar case to the floor and plucked his shirt off, his hair fluffing and settling as he balled it up and tossed it off to the side of the room.

“You have no idea how good it feels to just be home,” he said, your eyes following his hands where they unbuckled his belt. 

“I have a little bit of an idea,” you smiled, and just as he’d undid the front of his pants, you pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth, scratching your nails against his rough cheek.  “I’ll meet you in the kitchen, okay?”

His lips brushed yours before you pulled away, letting him get to it and shower.  You figured he’d be hungry since he spent the last few hours on an airplane, so you prepared lunch while he showered, finishing sooner than he did.  A smile pulled at your mouth when you heard him humming under the water, your curiosity leading you down the hall and to the bathroom, the sound of his voice and the rushing water growing louder with each step.

You slowly opened the door, seeing his silhouette behind the frosted glass, his back to the stream and his hands lathering up his hair while he hummed.  His skin glistened through the steamed glass, nothing but the outline of his broad chest and the faded colors of his tattoos on his left arm showing through.  His orange hair was sticking up and white, glued together with soap and a smile crept back over your mouth when he stepped under the stream.  The thick white suds spilled down his head and your eyes followed them inching over his chest and lower until they disappeared down his thighs and along the gentle curve of his hip. 

You stripped off your clothes before he noticed you, but even so, you quietly tapped at the glass door, seeing a playful smile inch over his mouth when he saw you peeling the door open.  He didn’t mind the surprise and gladly invited you in. 

“I didn’t want you to feel too lonely,” you smiled, tenderly planting a kiss to his lips and your left hand splayed over his bare chest.

“God I missed you so much,” he said, his face suddenly turning to stone and his eyes lowering.  His orange hair was darkened and matted to his head, the long strands piercing his blue eyes while he bit his bottom lip, eyeing you as if he’d been waiting those long two months to have you right where you were then.

The warm water slowly trickled down your arms while he held your face in his hands, his mouth crashing to yours harder than you’d ever remembered him doing.  His breath grew heavy the faster he moved, and before he could take initiative and press you to the wall, you peeled away and gripped his glistening tattooed arms, gently pushing his back to the cool tile.

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