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You are sitting comfortably on a big sofa in a big suite of a big hotel you forgot the name of. 

It’s silent expect for the sound your Nintendo 3DS makes. The sun has made it’s way down several hours ago and you are playing Pokemon on the hand held, waiting for Ed to come back from his show. 

He left you this morning pretty early, getting up even before you and leaving when you were still laying in bed (that rarely happens, him getting up before you, actually, it probably never happened before). Today was a rather busy day for him, a couple of interviews and a full show in the evening plus a meet and greet afterwards.

So now you are just sitting here, playing on your DS and waiting for him. Your hair is tied up in a pony tail, you are wearing comfy clothes (you stole one of Eds hoodies) and just had a nice warm bath. 

The last time you glanced at the clock it was twelvish and you are not surprised when you hear the door open and Ed comes shuffling in with a rucksack on his shoulders and several presents and other stuff in his arms, a smile on his lips. He looks a little bit exhausted, but the good kind of exhaustion.

“Hey.” he says, pulling off his shoes, leaving them somewhere, he makes his way over to the sofa leaving a trail of rucksack, hoodie and presents behind him on the floor.

You smile up at him, then concentrate back on your game. “Hey.” you answer.

He flops down on the sofa besides you, hand reaching for the remote and turning on the TV, he glances at you.

“How was your day?” you ask, not looking at him.

“Quite good, I guess. One of the interviewers was a dick though.”


He shrugs his shoulders. “Dunno, I didn’t like him.”

“That’s OK, you don’t have to like everybody.” You tell him, smiling. He nods, rubs his eyes and then stretches out on the sofa, wriggling so he can put his head in your lap. He takes your arms, which were resting on your knees, holding your DS and pushes them up to make room for himself on you. He’s now laying with his head resting on your belly, your legs on each side of his body.

“What are you doing?” You eye him, but he just ignores you and makes himself comfortable. He snuggles up closer and wraps his arms around your waist, burring his head in the hoodie. You hold the DS up above your head and look down at him. 

“I had a hard working day, love me.” 

The words are mumbled and kind of get lost in the denim of the stolen hoodie but you understand them and it makes your heart melt because this boy is just the most adorable thing you have ever seen. 

You lay the DS to the side and pet his head. “I always love you.”

He shyly turns his head even more into your stomach but you can see the big grin on his face, it’s just too cute, that he still gets so excited whenever you tell him you love him. Like he believes you, but kind of forgets in the rush that is his life and then waits patiently for you to tell him again, so he can make sure nothing has changed.

“What do you want me to do then?” you ask, still petting his head, occasionally scratching his scalp lightly with your nails. Rubbing your other hand over his back.

“I don’t know.” comes the muffled answer. “Just cuddle me. Love me.”

You smile. “OK.”

You give him a short squeeze and then slide down so you can lay besides him, him half on top of you. 

The both of you lay there for some time, watching TV, as you comb his hair with your fingers. 

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