the cat

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"What about Stan?"

"What about Stan? Who is Stan?” You were confused. Ed was laying sideways on the bed, using your butt as a pillow as you flipped through a magazine. 

"For the cat, lets name him Stan" he replied easily, still staring up at the ceiling, his long fingers tapping a rhythm onto his chest. 

You twisted around to look at him, a whine escaping his mouth as his squishy pillow was replaced by a bony hip. 

"Babe, no. We talked about this, no cat! They’re snobby and rude and they shed and they generally just fuck shit up." Your voice was pleading, you adamantly did not want a cat and Ed would not let up. It would have been fine for him to get one if he didn’t have a job that meant he’d be gone for months at a time and you’d be responsible for the little clawed demon.

Ed pouted at you, his lower lip jutting out as far as it would go. He twisted around so that his face was pressed into your stomach.

"Please" he whispered into the material of your top, his hot breath reaching through the fabric to moisten your skin.

"Nu-uh babe. Anything but a cat. How about a fish?" His fingers plucked at the hem of your shirt as he looked up at you from underneath his lashes. He pushed it up so that an inch of skin was exposed. His breath fanned over you as he whispered another little "please" and followed it by pressing his plump lips into you. 

"Ed I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work." You knew you had to stay strong, or else he’d have you giving in to any of his crazy whims with just a few more well-placed kisses. 

You felt him grin into your skin as he pushed your shirt up another inch or so, his mouth trailing with it. His tongue poked out to taste the salt of your skin. “Pretty please babe.”

"Ed…" His fingers were trailing along the waist of your pants, dipping below the hem ever so often to tease you. His tongue was trailing farther and farther up your stomach, his nose pushing the fabric of your top with it. You let out a moan as he lifted it above your braless breasts with his teeth and wasted no time in wrapping his lips around your hardened nipple. He sucked and bit, coating it in his warm saliva, making you wriggle underneath him as pleasure shot through you. He pulled away, leaving a small kiss on your sternum along with a "pretty please with a cherry on top" before switching to continue his ministrations on the opposite breast. 

His warm body was weighing you down, so as his lips continued their work, he lifted himself up onto his knees and slowly pulled your pants off your legs, letting the fabric rub down the skin of your pelvis to tease you. His mouth started to work its way downwards again, leaving a trail of hot kisses in its wake. He paused right above your mound, looked up at you, and waited.

It was your turn to beg now. “Please Teddy.” you moaned, desperate to feel his mouth on you.

"Say we can get a cat" he insisted, smirking. He brought his face closer to you, letting his hot breath tickle your skin.


He let his tongue poke out, just tracing your lips, avoiding tasting anything that would illicit more than the faintest pleasure. “Say we can.” He growled low at you, grin still on his face.

"This is so fucking unfair," you groaned, trying to lift your hips into his face. He held you down with his strong hands and continued to kitten lick the skin of your inner thighs and pelvis. He gripped your thighs and spread them as wide as they would go, exposing your drenched slit to his hungry eyes. 

"Fuck fine we can get a fucking cat and name it Stan you little shit just get to work." You needed it so bad. You didn’t want a cat but you needed Ed to eat you out so desperately that you would have promised him a unicorn.

Almost as soon as the words were out of your mouth, Ed’s was on you. He buried his face between your legs, his tongue driving into you over and over while his nose rubbed against your clit. You squirmed and rolled your hips, revelling in the friction you wanted so bad. He pulled his mouth up, tongue dragging, and wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking roughly and causing you to arch your back and moan out, wrapping your fingers in his messy hair and pressing his face further into you. You held him there as you ground your mound into his face, chasing the orgasm he had teased you with for what felt like hours.

"Fuck Ed just like that babe, ohmygod yes right there please don’t fucking stop" you whimpered as he rolled his neck and continued to suck. With one more roll of your hips you were were coming, with Ed continuing to lavish you with his attention, drawing out the incredible orgasm he had caused. When you stilled, panting, he pulled his face up from between your thighs, face split in a wide grin and chin covered in your juices.

"Not sure how I feel about the name Stan anymore" he said.

You rolled your eyes, a smirk on your face despite the fact that you had committed to a cat in exchange for an orgasm.

"Oh fuck off."

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