Tour bus

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Your whole body feels so heavy, your bones kinda ache and while you try everything for your eyes to stay open, your mind is already in this half stage of sleep where everything around you seems foggy.

You sit on a bench in this radio station watching him doing some kind of interview behind thick glass windows. You can’t actually hear him and the host, but you see them. Well, you would. If your eyes stayed open for more than five seconds. You feel so tired and exhausted and you ponder the idea of just laying down here and sleep for the rest of your life.

Someone sits besides you and you turn your head, seeing Marcs worried look.

“Are you OK?”

You nod, rubbing your face with your palms. “Just dead tired. I think I’m going to fall asleep right here.” You yawn.

“Go back to the bus and lay down then? This will take a couple of hours.” He nods towards the glass window where Ed is currently talking with the host, sometimes glancing in your direction.

“But I promised to watch the private concert after thing.” you mumble, catching Eds eyes, you smile at him. He smiles back, warm and sincere, then focuses back on his interview. You see the host glance at you but you’re way to tired to mind him.

“But maybe I really should go to sleep.” you think aloud.

“You should. I’ll tell Ed later, he’ll understand.” Marc says with a reassuring smile.

You nod and get up. Your body feels heavy, like someone tied some weights on you. When you open the door that leads outside you realize that it’s pouring. The sky is all gray and the rain comes down hard. You sigh and then sprint through the cold water to the bus, splashing through puddles with your shoes. You need to fumble with the keys to find the right one but after a couple of seconds you’re finally inside the semi warm bus. The driver is not here. Probably taking a break somewhere else.

Actually the rain didn’t feel that bad, you are more awake now. But even though it was just a short sprint you are wet to your bones. Your clothes stick to your skin with this weird feeling that only wet clothes can do. You shiver and walk to the far back of the bus where you and Ed have this little utterly adorable cozy room, that’s just really more bed than anything else. It also has a small cupboard and that’s practically it. Just a bed behind a door. You love it. You love small spaces in general, especially if you’re supposed to sleep in them.

You grab some sweatpants and a comfy top and head to the tiny shower. The warm water erases all the effects of the cold rain and when you’re done you’re all tired again. So you climb under the blankets, instantly feeling better. The pillow still smells of Ed.

The best thing about the tourbus bed is the long window that is right at the hight of the bed, so when you lay down and turn towards it you can look outside. Usually you love to watch the scenery passing by as you drive from hotel to hotel and city to city but now the bus parks and the only thing you see is the wall of the radio station Ed is currently in.

So you draw the curtain and turn on your stomach. It actually just takes a couple of minutes for you to be out dead, the smell of Ed and the sound of the rain droplets on the window helping you fall asleep quickly.


You awake due to something cold and wet touching your back. You open your eyes slowly while an arm creeps around your waist and lips touch your neck. Wet hair is all over you.

“Eeeed.” you whine still half asleep. “You’re wet and cold and why don’t you take a shower first or dry off at least?” you suggest.

You feel him shaking his head no against your skin, the wet hair brushing against you, while murmuring something you don’t understand. You sigh. Turning around so you can face him you entangle your fingers with his and kiss his knuckles.

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