Phone Sex

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Being away from home—and you—was always difficult on Ed. It was like he was stumbling forward through life when you weren’t around, just going with the flow and putting a smile on his face for the fans and cameras. He missed home—he missed being with you. Which was why, late at night in the hotel room, when everyone else had drifted off, Ed found himself slipping into the bathroom, his phone pressed up against his ear as it rung. He licked his lips, leaning against the sinks counter and pouting at himself in the mirror. His ginger hair was messy, and the black shirt he wore clung to his body as he impatiently waited for you to answer. Sure, it was very late here so he could only imagine how late it was back home. You were probably tucked away in the sheets, snoring softly, sleeping oh so peacefully. Just thinking of you, sleeping beautifully, hit his heart with a pang. He craved you, so much.

Just as he was about to hang up, figuring you were sleeping, the phone stopped ringing and your voice brought a sudden hopeful warmth throughout his body. “Hello, baby, is that you?” you tone was bright, cheery, there wasn’t a hint of sleep in your words.

Ed released a deep breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. “Yes, it’s me. Hey, babe,” he answered, and he didn’t need to look into the mirror to see that he was smiling—his lips were drawn upwards, into a wide, toothy grin just from the sound of your voice. He leaned his back against the counter, arms crossed, pressing the phone closer to his ear. “You weren’t asleep, were you?”

He knew you couldn’t have been, since you sounded so alive and awake, but he just had to make sure he wasn’t interrupting your sleep because of hsi neediness.

“Nope,” you laughed, and just the sound of it made his heart jump, “I’m not sleepy at all, actually. I’ve been up watching movies all day. I left my phone in the room, but luckily had to go pee and heard you calling. What’s up? How’s your day been, baby?”

Ed began to tell you how his day had been—which of course had been wild and exciting. From meeting fans, to getting drunk with a few friends, it had all in all been a pretty big day, as much of them seems to go. The two of you hadn’t been able to talk all day; he’d been busy singing and signing autographs, and you had been lounging all day. 

“And that’s basically how my day has been,” he finished up. He then of course, had to add, because it was the absolute and he felt like it needed to be said, “I’ve been craving you a lot, though. You’ve been on my mind since I woke up this morning. Singing all these songs, every single lyric makes me think about you. I can’t wait to get home. I just want to…” He wanted to cuddle you, kiss you, and just be with you, of course, but instead of that coming out of his mouth, he slipped out, “have incredible, mindblowing sex and just cuddle right after.”

You laughed, and he could just imagine how flushed your cheeks would be. “Ed, oh my God. I wish we could do that, baby,” you whispered into the phone. Suddenly, your tone grew breathy, as you spoke, “We could always try something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time.”

“And what would that be?” he questioned with amusement. Ed was becoming slightly horny, just hearing you speak in that tone, he knew exactly where this conversation was headed.

“Let’s try phone sex, baby.”

He would’ve never guessed he’d be hearing you say that, yet here you were, and it was oh, so sexy. He could practically feel his member hardening in his boxers and he had to swallow a lump of spit, his throat suddenly becoming extra moist. “Oh, wow. I…I would be down with that.”

“Stick your hand in your pants, Teddy, baby,” you ordered him. Your tone was very low, sultry, and just everything about you, from the way the words rolled off your tongue to the tone of your voice made him oblige.

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