Bath tub

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It’s late at night when you open the door to the hotel room. You’ve had a long day. It was an exhausting shooting and even though the model was a very sweet girl and you connected immediately, it tired you to no end. You long to take a bath and then fall asleep forever.

When you enter the big living room all the lights are out and you check your phone for texts of Ed saying he’s out tonight even though there were non five minutes ago. Still none. You put your phone down on the sofa table and then you hear it. The quite sound of a guitar being played. It’s not really a song, just random notes. You smile to yourself and walk to where the sound is coming from.

The bath room door is ajar and light spills out from inside. You open the door quietly and glance inside. There he sits. In the bathtub. With his guitar. He’s humming to the tune he’s playing. Also he is naked and there is no water in the tub. He has a sheet of paper in between his legs on the bottom of the white tub and when he puts the guitar down to scribble something down his tongue pokes out in concentration.

You knock softly on the door frame so to not startle him when you enter, but he all but looks in your direction and smiles. He’s known you’ve been there the whole time.

“Hey.” he says softly. “You’re back. How was work?”

You stop in front of the tub and kneel down besides it, so your face to face but the cold wall of the furniture is between you. He leans his head over and gives you a kiss with his guitar and pen still in his hands.

“It was good I guess.” You peer over the tub to the sheet of paper trying to make out what he’s writing but his scribbling is a mess and you soon give up. Your hand finds a way into his hair and your stroking and scratching softly at his ginger locks as he plays some more notes and continues to write thoughts down. Occasionally nodding to himself.

After some time he decides that the song writing is now over and gives you the guitar and paper for you to place on the floor.

He hums in approval as you slightly scratch across his shoulders and work at the muscles with your hands. His eye are closed and he’s leaning a bit forward to give you better access.

“How about we get some water in here and you join me?” he asks, leaning in for another kiss.

You nod and while he gets some water in the tub you get rid of your clothes. “So how was your day?” you ask while you get in the nice hot water that’s slowly filling in, sitting so you can face him. His hands go immediately to touch you, his fingertips tracing the soft skin of your legs, upwards and then down again. You close your eyes. This alone just feels so relaxing, he starts so massage your calves lightly, a lazy smile on his lips as his eyes move up and down your body.

“Boring.” he says. “Just lots of meetings. Was no fun. And then it took you ages to come back here.”

You giggle at his pouting lips.

“Yeah, we took longer than planned. I’m sorry.”

“Who did you photograph?” he asks, while he watches his fingers moving up you thigh, tracing your tattoos.


“A girl?” He looks at you, but his eyes quickly focus back on your thigh.



He would never admit it, but you can see the slight relief washing over his face. He doesn’t like it if you work with male models. Not that he would say so out loud. He gets jealous over them, thinking he has not chance compared with them, which, of course, is rubbish.

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