The hotel

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He stands in front of me, his arms folded across his chest, anxiously tapping his foot. He’s wearing a facial expression that I haven’t seen in awhile; frustration from something other than a screaming infant. I wave him off, pressing my cell phone against my ear.

            “Are you sure we don’t need to come back?” I ask, Ed’s mom on the other end of the phone, “I mean, had I known Eleanor was that sick I wouldn’t have left”

            “I’ve taken care of a baby before” she laughs into the phone, “She’s nothing compared to what Ed was like when he was a baby.”

            “I really appreciate this” I tell her, my heart heavy from the sounds coming from her end.

            “I am going to divorce you right the fuck now” Ed speaks up, as he pulls the phone out from between my ear and shoulder, taking the call himself, “thanks mum, we really appreciate it. I love you, and Eleanor and we will see you tomorrow night.”

            I glare at him as he hangs up the phone, handing it back to me before reaching down to pick up the suitcase he was previously carrying.

            “Not okay” I shake my head

            “My mother is perfectly capable of taking care of a baby” he argues, “she raised me, didn’t she? Anyways, we’ll only be gone for one night.”

            “It’s the first time I’ve left Eleanor alone since she was born” I tell him, it’s my turn to fold my arms across my chest, a bit angry with him.

            “And it’s my first night alone with you since she was born” He tells me, sympathetically pressing his lips to my forehead, “come on, can’t we just enjoy this? We’ll go back to crazy parenthood tomorrow. Right now, I’ve got a hotel waiting for us.”

            “fine” I give in to his requests, stifling the smile inching it’s way across my face at how incredibly excited he is for this.

            I can’t deny it, I’m as equally excited. There is a line that you cross when you stop thinking about yourself and you start putting a tiny human life that you created first. We’re still so young, but we’ve got this incredibly beautiful child who is fantastic 99.9% of the time. That other .1% of the time, well, she drives us up the fucking walls. I never thought I’d be that lady with cheerios in her hair, baby vomit on her shirt, trying to keep my shit together. And I never thought I’d be doing any of that with someone like Ed. Don’t get me wrong, this is the best experience of my entire life, but some days I wish I could go back to being that really incredible lady who married the love of my life, no strings attached.

            I follow him out to the car waiting for us to take us to the hotel, an when we get there, I’m completely in awe over how much this must have cost him.

            “Jesus, Ed” I say under my breath, as he helps me out of the car, my eyes wide at how expensive this place is,

            “you’ll have plenty of time to say my name like that, later” He smirks, wrapping an arm around my waist, leading us both into the hotel lobby. We get checked in, make a mad dash for the elevator, ascending to the very top floor. I cannot believe he did this. I cannot believe we have the entire top floor of this hotel to ourselves.

            “You’ve got to be shitting me” I drop my bags in the doorway, looking around at how huge the place is. I walk through the living room, into the huge bedroom with a 4 post king size bed sitting at least 3 feet off of the ground. The bathroom has a 4-glass wall shower, with one of those showerheads you only dream about that makes it feel like it’s raining.  I’m unable to contain the little kid inside of me and I run and jump, landing  face first on the huge bed. I roll over onto my back and take in the silence.

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