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"Why the fuck is this room so hot all of a sudden?" I asked, wiping my forehead for the hundreth time that night, my hand damp from the sweat that was building up. There was five of us; me, Ed, Georgia (my best friend), Jake and Dylan. We were all sat in an uneven circle in a shed at the bottom of Dylans garden. During summer, we put in chairs and sofas and blankets, stocked it up with booze and came here almost every saturday night. But for some reason, as we were all gathered in the small-ish shed, with the doors closed, it was boiling. Everyone was sweating heavily, and it seriously felt like a sauna. 

"I don’t know man, but it certainly is boiling" said Jake, reaching over Ed’s lap to grab a can of beer. 

"Why can’t we open the doors?" I directed this question at Dylan, who was always in charge of what happened in his shed. He looked up at me, cigarrette drooping from his lips, eyes slightly blurred.

"Because, Ellena, my parents might see or smell the smoke and I’ll get my ass kicked if they do" he raised his eyes brows and sucked on his home made roll up. 

"But they’re inside the house, and it’s 3am" I retorted, offering a sickly sweet smile. 

"Sorry girl, not risking it" he came back with the same smile, and I groaned. Me and Georgia where already sat in just shorts and cropped tops that rested above our belly buttons, and Jake and Dylan had their tops off. It was just Ed who was dressed completely decently, and he didn’t even appear to be hot at all.

"Ed, how come you’re not sweating?" I asked, and he looked at me whilst taking a large gulp of beer. Fair to say, we had all consumed far too much alcohol and been smoking some dodgy shit all night, so that was probably messing with our body temperatures, but Ed looked as calm as ever. 

"My room at home is always roasting, so I’m used to it" he winked and I found a blush creeping up and along my cheeks. Everyone knew that me and Ed had a thing for each other, but neither one of us would admit it. So here we sat, in a room clouded with smoke and dull lights, sweat dripping from our semi naked bodies and alcohol rushing through our systems. 

"Can we play a game?" Jake piped up all of a sudden, and we all looked at him in surprise. 

"Urh, what was you thinking mate?" Ed asked, a sort of half smile playing at his mouth. 

"How about ‘spin the bottle’, but we don’t have a bottle, so we’ll use my shoe" he plucked his trainer from his foot and set it in the middle of our circle.

"What the fuck have you been smoking?" Georgia giggled, looking at Jake like he’d just told her he had been to the moon. 

"Same as you my dear, now, you in?" Jake cocked his head to the side and immediately, Georgia nodded. 

"Hell yeah, what about you Ellena?" Georgia turned to me, and I was a little hesistant. Last time we played the game involving dares, I had had to lick whipped cream from Dylan’s chest and suck Georgias toe. We had very weird ideas of having fun.

"Um, I guess so, but nothing weird this time, ok?" everyone nodded, but I knew something was going to happen, it always did. The game began, and Jake feebly twirled his shoe, until the toe landed on me. Perfect. I nervously gulped and licked my lips as everyone deliberated. 

"Ok, you have too…" Georgia thought aloud, and I stared at her, trying to tell her with my eyes that I didn’t want to do anything stupid. 

"Take your shirt off" Dylan called out, smiling from ear to ear. I turned to him with a confused look on my face and raised an eyebrow.

"The fuck kinda dare is that?" I asked, exasperated. The boys just grinned evilly, and I looked to Georgia for help. She just roller her eyes and gave me the look as if to say ‘Boys, typical’.

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