Chapter 1

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            The first day of school after a long summer break was always one of the worst days of my life. After a summer spent around as little people as possible, having to be around hundreds of people each day was terrible and exhausting.

            "Riley! Oh my gosh!" my friend Corey shrieked when she saw me walking in the hallway before first period. "I haven't seen you in forever! Why do you always lock yourself away in the summer? You missed the greatest party! You should have been there. It was awesome!"

            "You know I had to work. If I want to go to college, I need to be saving as much money as I can. Tell me about the party," I said to get the subject off of me and rid myself of the suspicious feeling she had toward me.

            Corey was very blonde both figuratively and literately. She had very long golden blonde curly hair. Her hair would make any girl jealous of how perfect it was. Her eyes were a very dreary blue. It was almost like you could see all the hard times she had been through in her eyes. She had the body of a stereotypical cheerleader, yet she never tried out. She seemed to believe that she was above it all. She was the type of girl that got what she wanted. Her family was among the wealthy in town, so she never had to work for anything. She always had everything handed to her, so she never really had to push herself. Corey was also very easily distracted, which is my case, was very helpful.   

            "Well it probably wouldn't have been a party you would like. There were a ton of people there," She replied. Corey and I had been friends ever since middle school. In no time at all she had picked up on me isolating myself any chance I got. "I'm actually surprised the cops didn't show up, but that's probably a good thing..." She paused for a minute, and I could feel guilt start to trickle in. She probably ended up getting wasted that night. However I could soon feel her start to push it away and excitement take its place. "Oh my gosh and there was this super hottie there! I think he was home from college for summer break. But he was so into me!" she continued as we walked to class. "I gave him my number and he totally called me the next day! I really think he might be the one!" She had said this about every other guy she had been with and, honestly, she had a good amount of guys over the past few years.

            So instead of pointing this out to her I simply said, "That's really awesome! I'm sure you're right!"

            "This time I know it. He's older and much more mature then the other guys I've been with. I just know he's the one." Through her feelings I knew she really believed this. "Well I'll see you at lunch, and then you can tell me all about your ever-so-interesting summer of work," Corey said sarcastically, and hurried off to class.

            Being able to feel what others are feeling on top of your own feelings had made school difficult for me. One person can get distracted with their own feelings, let alone everyone else's. Try and pay attention to the teacher lecture about abstinence, who is feeling turned on, probably by the low-cut-shirt girl sitting in the front. Or try and listen to a teacher you know hates you. However, over the years I've started to learn how to deal with it. I have learned to push others' feelings aside to the point of them becoming background noise. The feelings will still be there, but they are not strong enough to control me.

            When I walked into my Acting I class I was hit with a storm of emotions and feelings ranging from excitement for the new school year, to anger for having to be back to just plain old boredom. I looked around for a seat in the back and saw that the class was already pretty full. The class was set up three rows across and four rows back. Each desk was partnered up with another. This was different from the other classrooms which all had single desk rows. As I looked around I saw that there was a pair of desks in the right back corner. This was the side closest to the windows.

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