Chapter 2

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 During the rest of my classes that morning I was very distracted. I almost missed my name being called for attendance in English. I just couldn't concentrate, and because of this I was having trouble pushing everyone else's emotions to the back of my mind. By lunch I felt completely drained.

            I sat down at the lunch table and took my lunch out of my bag. I normally packed my lunch, while all my other friends bought. I took my peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich out of my brown paper bag, and started to eat while I waited for my friends to get through the line. Lunch was usually a stressful time for me, due to a lot of people being stuck in one room, and today I wasn't sure I could handle it.

            My school was split into four lunches since we had block-scheduling. This meant that classes were 90 minutes. So we only had four classes and a study hall at the end of the day. Lunch was split during third period. We could either have A, B, C or D lunch. We had a thirty-minute lunch and a ninety-minute class. My lunch was C lunch, so after lunch I would go back to class for another 30 minutes

As I was waiting I kept thinking about Sam.

            "Hello, earth to Riley!" my friend Leanne said. Leanne moved here last year from California, and she looked like surfer girl right out of a magazine. She had dirty blonde hair with lighter blonde highlights. She had emerald green eyes. Leanne had tanner skin then most of us and a very athletic body. I know she hated living here and would much rather move back to the ocean. "Did you hear anything I just said?" I hadn't even realized my friends had all gotten to the table.

            "Sorry I zoned out. What's up?" I answered.

            "She's been like that all day," Corey said.

            "Well sorry, I have a lot on my mind. This being our last year in high school and all, its kinda important," I lied, trying to ignore the condemnation coming from my friends.

            "Yes, yes, we all know how important school is to you, but we have much more important news to tell you," Becca said excitedly. Becca, like me, was middle class, unlike most of our friends. She had beautiful, dark brown hair. She almost always had it pulled up in a messy bun. Her eyes matched her hair, dark brown, and she had blacked rimmed glasses. She was very skinny, however, she normally hid it with a baggy sweatshirt.

            "I don't see why you're so excited about this," James, Becca's boyfriend said as he sat down at the table. Then he gave Becca a quick peck on the lips. James was a handsome guy, but he never seemed to live up to Corey's standards. He was tall, and had to be because he played on the basketball team. He was average weight with short black hair and deep, green eyes.

            'I'm more excited to see you, babe," she said with an innocent smile, "but it's still exciting news,"

            "Yeah, I know, it's not something that normally happens at our school!" Corey said.

            "Well, is someone going to tell me this awesome news?" I asked.

            "Oh my goodness! We'll do more than tell you, we'll show you! Look who just walked in!" Leanne said as she pointed excitedly to the door.

            "Oh my gosh!! He has lunch with us!" Corey shrieked.

            "Who are you talking about?" I asked as I turned to look at the door.

            "The new guy! How often does our school have a new student? Especially a hot one!" Leanne replied, ignoring the fact that she herself was a new student last year.

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