Chapter 41

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She gave him a once over then opened the door wider, welcoming him in. "Hello, Sam." She said as he walked through the door. "It's been awhile."

"Not long enough," Sam replied, as she closed the door. "What are you doing here Amber? What is Connor doing here?"

"So you're sure it was him?" she asked, as she walked towards the kitchen.

Sam tossed a wallet on the table. "He's the only CE that I know who does this to his wallet," he snapped.

"Dad always said that would get him in trouble," she shrugged. "Do they know?"

"No," Sam replied pulling something else from his pocket and tossing it on the table. "I removed his ID before they got a chance to look at it."

"I told Dad not to involve him."

"Why are you listening to Dad anyway? He's in jail, and he's not getting out! So just leave town, Amber, give up. I'm not coming with you, I'm not going back." Sam yelled and turned to the door.

"How's Riley doing, Sam? I mean with your past she's gotta be a little worried," Amber said. Sam froze in his tracks. "She does know right? About everything you've done? You can't escape this life, Sam. You're only dragging her into it."

In a few short strides Sam slammed her against the wall with his hands around her neck. "Leave her out of this!" he yelled.

A smile formed on her face, as his grip loosened. He stepped away from her and threw his fist into the wall. "So that's what this is all about." She almost laughed. "You actually have feelings for this girl. You actually love her."

Sam turned around and his eyes locked on hers. "Don't," he begged, knowing it was already too late. Feelings in his family were a weakness and she found his.

"Who knew all along it was this easy," she said, placing her hand on his shoulder and making him take a seat. "Here's what's going to happen. You're going to leave her, and leave town with me. And go back to the family business. If you don't, she dies."

"If you lay one finger on her I swear!" Sam snapped, as he pushed up from the chair causing it to topple onto the floor.

"I'd be real careful about what you do right now, Sam," she said, holding her phone in her hand. "Because contrary to what you believe, Dad is out of jail. All it will take is one little phone call and that girlfriend of yours is dead."

Sam stood where he was, with his fist clenched at his side, trying to steady his breathing. His eyes, filled with complete hatred, met hers. "Give me your word," he said through his teeth.

Amber laughed, "I don't have to give you anything."

Next thing she knew Sam's hands were around her throat again, this time actually cutting off her air supply. "I said, give me your word! Promise if I leave with you, she won't be hurt!" When she nodded Sam let go of her pushing her away from him. "Say it!"

She crossed her arms and reluctantly said, "I promise she won't be hurt."

"Then we leave as soon as possible," he replied, slamming her door on the way out.



A few more answers for you, that i just couldn't wait to share. What are your thoughts on everything that has happened? Is Riley okay? What will happen next? There is about two or three chapters left in this story and I can't wait to share them so bee on the look out.

Very soon the reason this book is called The Knowing Secret will be revealed. However before that happens I want to hear what you think. Why do you think this book is called The Knowing Secret? Whoever guesses correctly will get the chapter that reveals why dedicated to them.

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