Chapter 31

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"You better not be drunk," she, said when she stepped in the room and saw him finish off a glass of scotch.

"What does it matter?" he asked, as he stood up to get another drink.

"What does it matter?" she repeated him, as she put her coat down on the couch. "Riley will be here soon."

He laughed, "Jay leaves tomorrow. It's too late. Your plan didn't work."

"My plan is going just as it should, and that is just the reason why she will be here, you idiot. She has run out of options!"

The moment he opened his mouth to respond the doorbell rang. "Get out of here!" he snapped, but he didn't have to tell her. She knew she couldn't be seen, not here, not yet.


"What do you want?" Evan asked, when he finally came to the door. He looked back and forth between Sam and me.

"I need to talk to you," I said. "It's important."

He looked again from Sam to me and then sighed. "Fine. Follow me." When we stepped into the entrance way of the house he turned and added, "But not you." He pointed to Sam.

I could feel Sam's anger. "Fine." I said before giving Sam a chance to open his mouth. Unlike Sam I knew Evan was pretty much drunk. I didn't want to give Sam a chance to push him, not now. This was too important. Sam sighed, but stayed back as I continued to follow Evan.

He brought me back to the study, which looked exactly as it did the last time I was here. The glass that had broken was now replaced with another glass, only this one was full. Evan sat down, picked up the glass, and took a drink. "Have a seat," he said, as he motioned to the couch across from him. As my eyes landed on the couch I noticed a ladies coat laying there. His eyes landed on it as well, and I started to feel him begin to panic.

"Is Corey here?" I asked.

He started to calm down. "Earlier. Must have left it here." He shrugged.

"Oh," I said, as I walked over to the bookshelves and started to glance at the books. I knew I was stalling but I didn't know what to do now. I hadn't planned on him being drunk. I had no idea how he would react.

"What's so important?' he asked. "I'm busy." He held up his glass referring to his drink.

"Did you know Jay was moving?" I asked.

"So what if I did?" he said, leaning back on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"We aren't friends remember. Besides that's Jay's business. I figured he told you," he said, and took a drink.

"He just told me!" I snapped.

"What does this have to do with me? If you are having friend problems talk to your boyfriend or someone who cares."

"You have to stop it!" I snapped again.

He stood up, walked over to me and was now only inches from my face. "Why?" he asked. I took a step back to try and put some space between us but my back was pressed against the bookshelf. I was stuck. "What would I get out of it?" He added, stepping forward.

"Evan," I started to say, as I tried to move passed him. He grabbed my arms and slammed me against the bookshelf. "You're hurting me," I said, as I tried to get out of his grip.

"Why, Riley?" he said, ignoring me. He was now less than an inch from my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Why should I help you? You don't even like me. The only reason you're here is because you need something from me. Helping you won't change how you feel about me."

I took a deep breath and let Evan's emotions flow into me. I tried not to show my surprise when I realized that Evan actually had feelings for me, and not just as friends. He liked me more than that, but he also hated himself for it. I took another deep breath. I knew that Evan was drunk so I had to handle the situation more carefully. I had to control my own emotions. "That's not true. I was just upset." I said. He sighed and rested his head against the side of mine. He kept a tight grip on my arms and now with his whole body weight on me there was no way I could get away from him. I knew what I said had no effect on him. I had to make him believe that he meant something to me. "I didn't know you and Sara were related... I thought you had a history. And Corey-"

"Stop lying to me!" he snapped, as he shoved off of me, and pushing me hard against the bookshelf again. I cringed as my back smashed again the shelf. "You love Sam. You have a terrible choice in men, but you love him."

Figuring he was just talking about Sam's past, I ignored his comment. "Please I need your help... but you're right, I can't give you what you want."

He grabbed both of my wrists with one hand and held them against the shelf over my head. "I could just take what I want." He placed his free hand on my hip and started to run it up my shirt. "You couldn't stop me." He whispered, as his lips moved along my neck.

I tried my best to control my shaky breathing as his hand made its way to the button on my pants. "Evan, that's not what you want from me." I tried to say it strong but it ended up in a whisper.

"You don't know that!" he snapped, now looking me in the eye.

"I know," I swallowed, trying to hold back my fears. "You don't want to hurt me."

I watched his eyes and felt him go from angry to sad. "No," he said finally, as he let go of me and stepped away. "I don't wanna hurt you." He turned his back to me and I stepped away from the bookshelf. "And I wish I didn't have to."

Against my better judgment I took a step towards him. "Then why are you?" I asked.

"I can't tell you." He sighed.

I glanced at the door and knew I had a clear exit. I glanced back at Evan and knew this might be my only chance to find out what was going on. I also knew that it might not even work. I knew that just because I touched him didn't mean I would be rushed into the memory that was making him feel that way. After all it had only happened a couple of times. Even so I had to try. I took a deep breath, stepped forward, and placed my hand on his shoulder.

All of a sudden everything was dark...

a/n What do you guys think will happen next??? Comment your thoughts!!

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