Chapter 37

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There was a small delay while Sam processed what I had just said. Then he pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. "Bike's faster."

After what seemed like an eternity Sam stopped his motorcycle in front of Evan's house. Before he even had a chance to remove his helmet I had mine off and was racing towards the front door. When I reached it I banged my fist on it as hard as I could. I could feel her fear and it was so close that it was starting to overcome my own emotions. I was terrified.

"Corey!" I yelled. When Sam walked up behind me I got tired of waiting and tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Dang it!" I said and banged on the door once again. "Corey!"

"Riley?" Evan's voice came from behind me. "Sam?"

I quickly spun around. "What are you doing? Why aren't you in there?" I asked, pointing to the house.

"I think the better question is, what are you doing on my property?" he replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't have time to explain. Just open the door, Corey is in trouble!"

Evan pushed passed me and rammed his key in the lock. "Where is she?" he asked, as the door swung open.

I felt his worry grow as I answered him "Study." Then Evan took off down the hall with me close behind him.

"Corey," he said, as he walked through the door. She looked so disorderly. Her hair was no longer lying neatly, and her shirt looked like it was ripped open.

"Oh, Evan!" Corey replied, relief flooding over her.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Evan asked, as he wrapped his arms around her to try and comfort her. His efforts seemed fake as he snuck a glance at me.

"I came over here to surprise you, but someone else was here. He. . . he came after me," she cried into his shoulder.

"How'd you even get in? The door was locked."

"I heard you saying something on the phone about how the back door would be open."

"Did he hurt you?" I asked, interrupting their moment as I stepped away from the door. Sam walked in and took a seat on the other couch as Corey hastily pulled out of Evan's arms.

"What are you doing here, Riley?" she asked, as her anger towards me started to grow.

"I, umm. . . " I started

"I asked her to meet me here," Evan lied. "The two of you have been friends for so long I felt bad letting that end because of me. I was going to try and talk to her. She got here first and said she heard you scream. Her banging on the door must have stopped the intruder from going any further." He tried to pull her back into his arms but she wouldn't have it.

"That's really sweet of you honey," she said, brushing her hand down his cheek. "But I don't want her here!" She stood up from the couch and crossed her arms.

"Corey, we have to call the police. If he violated you in any-" I tried.

"We aren't calling the police! We aren't doing anything! He didn't okay! He heard somebody coming and ran!" she yelled.

"Come on, Corey! That guy is still out there!" I hollered back.

"Just go away, Riley. I'm not talking to the police. I'll deny everything."

"Maybe she should stay and you two should try and talk things out?" Evan suggested, as he stood up and put his arm around her waist.

"No! I want her gone. Evan please just make her leave, like you did before," she wined, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, Evan?" Sam spoke, for the first time since we had arrived. "Is this yours?" In his hand he held up a plain black wallet with something scratched along one of the edges.

"No," he answered confused.

"It could be the guys! Where'd you find it? Does it have any ID in it?" I asked, walking over to where Sam stood, to try and examine it. It had the letters CE carved into the leather.

"It was underneath the table, and there was nothing but a little bit of cash in it."

"Corey, come on! It could have his fingerprints on it!" I persisted again.

Corey turned her back to me and wrapped herself in Evan's arms. "You should probably just leave," Evan said, trying to sound sympathetic. I nodded and Sam took my hand in his. I knew there was no way Corey would budge, but I felt better knowing she was safe now. As we were about to leave the room I glanced back at Evan. Maybe I was wrong about him. After all, he did lie to cover for me when he had no reason to. If anything he should have wanted to hear what I had to say. Evan's understanding eyes met mine for a second before he nodded and I turned out of sight.

"You thought it was Evan, didn't you? I mean you saw someone attacking her, you just didn't get a good look at who and you thought it was Evan," Sam asked when we arrived at his apartment

I nodded, "So I didn't trust him. Is there a problem with that?"

"No, I guess not." He said, as we got off the bike. "Has that ever happened before?"

I shook my head. He didn't have to explain. I knew he was talking about how Corey's strong feelings, over a distance, allowed me to see what was causing them while it was happening.

"I was scared," he said finally. "You just started screaming. I didn't know what to think, I thought I. . . that maybe I. . . " He shook his head. "I didn't know what to do."

I nodded to let him know that I understood. I started to walk to his apartment but stopped. "Sam, maybe we should finish our conservation from earlier."

He nodded, "I thought you'd bring that up." His shoulders dropped. "Riley I really wish you'd believe I was there to get answers just like you."

"But how did you know she was there?" I asked.

"How did you know?" he sighed. "Look, Riley, I really wish I could stay here and talk this out with you right now but I have some things I need to look into."

"What?" I asked, testing him.

He sighed again and held up the wallet he found at Evan's. "I've seen this wallet before. I might be able to find out who was after Corey."

"Seriously?" I asked, as I felt my hope rise.

"Maybe," He said. "But it might take awhile."

"Oh okay." I said, with a smile. "Go find the bad guy." I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss. When my lips left his I quickly pulled back and added, "But be careful okay? And you have to tell me everything."

A short soft laugh escaped passed his smile. "I will," he promised, as he kissed my forehead. "I'll try to stop by later tonight, but if it gets to late-"

"I'll leave my window open!" I cut him off.

This time he didn't even try to hold back his laugh. "Alright. I'll see you later." Then he kissed me softly and turned to walk to his bike.

"I love you!" I called after him.

"I love you too," he hollered over his shoulder. I stood there for a moment and watched him take off down the street before I got in the car and drove home to wait for him.

A/N .... The calm before the storm...

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