Chapter 18

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When we walked in the door Evan turned me to face him, "Nothing happened," he reminded me softly but strongly. For a while he kept his eyes locked on mine.

A cough is what finally caused me to look away from Evan. "Am I interrupting something?" Sam asked, from the other side of the room. He had stopped when he saw the two of us together. The flowers he held in his hands were held loosely by his side.

"Not at all, Sammy boy, just bringing my date home from the dance," Evan replied.

"Your date?" Sam asked. My eyes stayed on Sam, searching him for a sign of what was going through his head.

"Someone had to take her." Evan smiled then added, "Since you blew her off." At that statement my head quickly snapped back to Evan. I knew he was just trying to push Sam's buttons. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the stems of the flowers snap as Sam's fist clenched. Then I watched them fall to the floor as he let go and took two steps closer.

"Evan, I think it's time for you to go," Sam said through clenched teeth.

"Not without my good bye," he replied, turning back to me.

I quickly took a few steps back. My eyes were going back and forth between Evan and Sam. When my eyes were on Evan I saw his smile and felt how victorious he felt. When my eyes were on Sam I was only reminded of how much trust he had in me and how hard I had worked to build up that trust. "We almost kissed!" I blurted, out before I had a chance to change my mind.

"What?" was all Sam said.

"And that is my cue to leave," Evan said. His eye caught mine for a quick second before he turned and headed out the door.

I looked back at Sam, he hadn't moved.  "I'm sorry, Sam" I started as I moved towards him. When he didn't stop me I wrapped my arms around him. He kept his arms at his side. "Sam I'm so sorry," I said again, when Sam still didn't say a word. "I didn't mean to, and it meant nothing, really."

"I can't believe this," he sighed as he shook his head and stepped away from me.

"I'm sorry Sam. I really am. I didn't mean to and it wouldn't have meant anything. I just wanted you there so badly."

"So it's my fault?" he snapped, and turned away from me.

"No... I just got caught up in the moment... the dance sucked without you. I missed you the whole time. I wanted to be there with the guy I am in love with... not Evan."

"What?" he asked turning to face me again. "What did you say?"

"That I missed you?' I replied taking a step closer to him.

He rolled his eyes. "Not that part." He took a step towards me.

I smiled and took another step, "I said that I love you, Sam Lance Elkin. No one else."

He closed the rest of the space between us and brought his lips to mine. When he finally stepped back he placed his forehead on mine and looked me in the eyes. "I love you too, Riley Ann Austin," I smiled and kissed him again. When we separated this time Sam walked over and picked up the flowers that were on the floor. "So he doesn't mean anything to you?' he asked, with his back to me.

"Sam," I said walking up behind him and placing my hand on his shoulder. "He is my friend. Of course he means something to me, but you mean so much more." When he didn't respond I turned him around so he was facing me and said, "I love you, Sam."

Sam smiled and kissed my forehead. Then he pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me. "Then I am the luckiest man alive," he whispered in my ear. For a while we just stood there in each other's arms, not caring about anything else. Finally Sam stepped back and held the broken flowers up. "I got these for you... sorry they're kinda broken now," he shrugged.

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