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Love, hate, anger, sadness, excitement and nervousness are only a few of the feelings we all feel at some point in our lives. Some feelings we want to keep to ourselves. Maybe it's the sadness we still feel for an old love when everyone believes we have moved on. Or maybe it's the anger we are feeling towards a friend for lying. Whatever it is, we all have feelings we would like to keep secret. There are also feelings other people have that we don't want to know. Like a crush who may secretly hate our existence. Or the person we just made fun of; we wouldn't want to know how depressed and suicidal they are. Feelings are kept secret from many people. That's life. But not for me.

            I feel things. Not just my own feelings, but other people's feelings. The better I know someone the easier it is for me to pick up on what they are feeling. And the closer I am physically to a person the stronger the feelings are. The feeling of anger comes stronger from a person who bumps into me in the hallway than it is for a person at the other end of the hall.

            I haven't always been this way. It started about five years ago. Although the memories are still clear as time moves forward, it's starting to get hard to remember myself without have this ability. I keep it a secret; not even my parents know. I think that makes it easier. I don't want people thinking I'm strange. However, in order to understand my story, you need to know my secret. My story starts the first day of my senior year of high school. The day I met Sam.

a/n I want to say thank you all so much for giving my story a chance! I hope you enjoy it and make sure to tell me what you think! I love getting feedback!

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