Chapter 4

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I was relieved when Friday came around. I needed a break from school, and from Sam. After school on Friday I went right up to my room with my sketchbook. I needed to just relax and drawing was almost the only way I could. As I flipped through the book to get to the next empty page I came to the picture of Sam I drew earlier that week. I studied it for a while but it only reminded me of how angry Sam had made me. So I flipped to the next blank page and started to draw

            "Riley!" my mom yelled from down stairs, bringing me back to the real world. "People are going to start arriving soon! Are you ready to take your sister out?!"

            "Yeah mom!" I hollered back grabbing my purse and heading out of my room. "Leah, you ready to go out for dinner and a movie, just the two of us," I asked when I got to her room.

            "Yeah, Ri, let's go," Leah answered.

            When we were about to leave my mom stop us at the door. "Thanks again for watching Leah tonight, Riley. Your dad says if this dinner goes well there could be a big promotion in his future,"

            "It's not a problem, Mom. We are just gonna go to Joe's for some food then go out to a movie together."

            "That sounds like a lot more fun than this dinner. Wait," my mom said as she went for her purse. "Here's some money for tonight. Have fun you two,"

            "Thanks mom we'll be back by nine, if anyone still here we'll go right to bed,"

            "Gosh, I hope no one is still here that late. Bye girls,"

            When we got to Joe's Leah was excited to see Jay. Since Jay and I were close he had been over to the house a lot, and he is really good with Leah. "Jay!" Leah shrieked when we walked inside Joe's

            "Hey there bud," Jay said and gave Leah a hug. "Hey Ri, I've been trying to get a hold of you all afternoon,"

            "Ri, I'm hungry," Leah complained.

            "Yeah, just a minute Leah," I said then turned back to Jay. "Small Cheese please, Jay,"

            "Yeah, but Ri, I've gotta tell you Chris hired a new employee,"

            "Really that's awesome! Anyone I know?"

            "That's what I've been trying to tell you it's-"

            "Ri! Let's go sit down already I wanna color!" Leah whined again.

            "Sorry Jay I gotta go sit down. Hey just have this new guy bring out our pizza. I can give him a hard time," I joked.

            "Ri, I really think you'll wanna know who-"

            "Jay, make our food we gonna go color," Leah insisted and dragged me away.

            When we got to our table I got Leah some crayons and a coloring sheet. After she colored for a little she got tired of it and we were soon playing tic-tac-toe. A few games later our pizza was brought out, along with our usual drink. "One small cheese pizza and two small pink lemonades," the waiter said from behind me.

            "So you're the new guy," I started to turn around to see who the new guy actually was. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

            "I work here now, Riley." Sam replied

            "Would you excuse me for a minute Leah, I gotta go talk to Jay real quick,"

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