Chapter 12

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When I woke up the next day I looked over and saw the space next to me was empty. At first I thought that last night was all just a dream, but then I saw the note that was lying on my night stand. The note read,


I figured it would be best if I left before anyone saw me.


P.S. Your secret is safe.

I smiled to myself, as I reread the note a couple times, before I got up and closed the window. When I looked at the clock I was relieved that I didn't work today because it was already one.

"Well, look who's finally awake," my mom said, as she walked in my room.

"Ever hear of knocking," I mumbled under my breath, as I took a seat on the window bench.

"I don't like how late this job is keeping you out, Riley," my mom continued, as if I hadn't said anything.

"If you came in here to tell me to quit, don't waste your breath," I sighed.

"Well, I don't like how late it keeps you out, especially on school nights. So yeah I think you should quit."

I started to get mad until I picked up on what my mom was feeling. She wasn't really upset; in fact she was happy and excited. "Mom, what's going on?" I asked as I saw her holding back a smile.

My mom's smile grew as she replied, "Your dad got a promotion!"

"What! That's great!" I shrieked as I jumped up from my seat.

"I know, we are all pretty excited. In fact we are all going to a dinner tonight to celebrate!" my mom said, getting even more excited. "And since you have off work tonight I do mean ALL."

"Wait, a company dinner?" I asked, as my excited slipped away.

"It's a dinner, thrown by the company, to celebrate your dad's promotion. It's a very important night for your father, so don't cause any problems tonight," my mom warned.

"I won't," I promised. However she can't hold it against me if someone else caused the problems. My dad worked for the same company Sara's mom worked for, but no matter how many promotions my dad gets he will always be working under Sara's mom, always making less than her. Sara would never let me forget that.

"I mean it, Riley. You know how hard your dad has worked for this."

"Yes, Mom. How could I forget," I sighed. "But I promise I won't start anything."

My mom sighed and walked out of the room. I knew she was worried about the dinner tonight, but I also knew she was excited. This will be the first time in a long time that my mom had a reason to get dressed up to go out. I echoed my mom's sigh as I walked to the bathroom to get a shower.

"Riley!" my mom hollered, as I walked out after my shower. "Something was delivered here for you. I put it on the kitchen counter."

"Okay, thanks Mom, I'll be right down," I answered. When I walked into the kitchen I was surprised to see two dozen sunflowers, my favorite flower, sitting on the counter. I had a smile on my face as I reached for the card, thinking the flowers were from Sam. However, as I read the card, my smile quickly faded.

"Who's the flowers from?" my mom asked from behind me causing me to jump a little.

I quickly closed the card and turned to face her. "I don't know." I lied. "Doesn't say."

"Oh! Someone has a secret admirer!" my mom smiled as she reached for the card. I quickly pulled it out of her reach.

"Mom it's none of your business!" I snapped.

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