Chapter 16

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Wow you guys got over 400 reads and over 100 voted so here is the next chapter!!

I didn't see Jay again until the end of the day when he met up with me at my locker. "Hey I have to meet with Tiff for a little bit about our project. Can I meet you at your house when I'm done?" he asked. He was still a little upset about what had happened at lunch but his feelings were more focused on what was going to happen at my house.

"Yeah, no problem. I don't work today so I'm in no hurry," and I wasn't. I didn't want to talk to him and break his heart. "Take your time."

"I won't be too long because I do work today," he smiled. "So I'll see you in a few."

As I was walking home I tried to decide what I wanted to say to Jay. I knew no matter how much I planned in my head there wasn't going to be an easy way to get out what I needed to say.

"Walking home by yourself, Love?" Evan asked from his car he had pulled up beside me.

I sighed and turned to face him. "Jay had to stay after school to work on a project."

"Ah, J Man, the studious one," Evan joked.

"What do you want Evan?" I asked and then continued walking.

"That is no way to treat a friend who is about to offer you a ride," He said as he inched the car along beside me.

"The last time I got a ride from you it didn't end so well," I reminded him as I stopped again to face him with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Now that's a matter of opinion," he winked. When I didn't move he added, "Come on get in. Let me make up for last time," I raised my eye brows unsure of what to do. "I'll behave. I promise," he assured me.

"Fine." I sighed giving in. I went around to the other side of the car and got in. The smile on his face matched the victorious feelings he felt. I on the other hand felt defeated. Part of me was screaming out not to trust him, but it seemed like he was really trying to be friends so I should too. Plus I was just mentally too tired to fight with him. I leaned back in the seat and let out a sigh.

"Bad day?" Evan asked.

"Just a long one." I sighed again trying to get rid of some of my tension. "I wish I could just go home and relax."

"You should," he replied as he pulled into my drive way.

"Can't," I said as I pulled my book bag off the floor.

"Aw come on. I can help," he winked. "I'm great at getting girls to relax," I glared at him and reached for the handle. "I meant with a back massage. Geez get your head out of the gutter, Riley," I felt his anger that came from my glare. Maybe he really was trying to be friends. "Wait here," he said and rushed out of the car over to my side to open my door. "A real gentleman opens doors for a lady," he said with a smile back on his face. He reached his hand out for me to take.

I felt bad about how I had reacted so I decided to play along with his joke. "Oh? And your suppose to be the gentleman here?" I smiled as I took his hand and he helped me out of the car.

"Only for you, Love," he winked.

"Well aren't I special," I joked as I felt him falling back into his normal flirtatious feelings.

"More then you know," he said softly and for a short moment his smile faltered. The moment was so short I almost didn't notice. Then his smile was back on his face as we reached the door. "See a real gentleman also walks a lady to the door."

"Oh yeah?" I smiled. "What else does a real gentleman do?"

His smile grew and he said, "Well if this was the end of a date and I was taking you home, I would lean in real close like this" He moved so he was an inch or so away from my face. His lips so close to mine I could feel his breath on them. "Then," he continued in a near whisper "I wouldn't move any closer. Leaving it up to you, the lady, to close the gap for the kiss." He paused with his eyes locked on mine. "That way I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't want,"

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