Chapter 32

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All of a sudden everything was dark, and I thought it didn't work. Then I felt something touch the back of my head and I could see. I was in a dark room in a chair with a table in front of me. The only light in the room was coming from the lamp on the table.

"Glad you could join us." A woman's voice came from the other side of the table, as she stepped forward. The light lit from her neck down, but I couldn't see her face.

"Not like I had a choice," I said, or Evan said. I realized I was seeing Evan's memory from his point of view. That would explain why I couldn't move to see the woman's face. She sounded so familiar too, but I couldn't change his memory. If he didn't see her face, then I wouldn't. "You know it's against the law to kidnap."

"It's hardly kidnapping. We still own you," she said. Evan crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in the chair. He didn't like that he was here, but he was playing it cool. "We have an offer for you. A way to get out."

"I'm listening," he replied.

"We need you to make a girl fall for you. My dad seems to think you are the perfect guy for the job."

"Well, I am good with the ladies," he said, as he put his hands behind his head and placed his feet on the table.

She ignored him and went on, "She is in the way of something we want. You need to keep her busy, until we can get it. Then break her heart," She informed him. "Should be easy for you."

"I don't know about that. All the girls I have been with knew about my intentions from the start. Like you for example, you know exactly what I'd like to do to you," he said, as his eyes traveled down her body. I didn't want to see this. This Evan wasn't the Evan I knew, but then again maybe I just didn't know the real Evan.

She sighed in disgust, "Which is why my dad is offering me as a reward if you succeed as well as being released from you debt."

"Nice," he nodded playing in cool. "So why is this girl so important?"

"I told you she is in the way."

"Of what?" he asked.


"What the heck." Evan's voice came through pulling me back into the real world. My vision was blurry and my head was hurting. I tried my best to focus but his touch sent me back into another memory.


"I don't wanna do this anymore," Evan said into the phone. I knew this memory; it happened only a few weeks ago in Joe's parking lot. This was the conversation I overheard. "I don't wanna hurt her. I can't hurt her anymore," he repeated, making sure he got his point across.

"You don't have that option." The same woman's voice came from the other end of the phone. "Where are you?"

"Why should it matter where I am? It won't change how I feel," he replied, as he started pacing again.

"You went to her work, didn't you?" she snapped at him. "You went to see her!" Evan didn't reply. He didn't want to admit that she was right. I listened closely to her voice trying to remember where I heard it before. She laughed, "You have indeed fallen for her."


"Riley!" Evan yelled, and I snapped back into his study. I was dizzy, my head was pounding, and I felt a drop of blood drip from my nose. As my vision started to clear, I noticed I was now sitting on one of the couches and Evan was crouching in front of me. "What the heck was that?" he asked, when he saw I was finally with him. "Do I need to get you to the hospital?"

"Who is she?" I asked in a whisper. My head was still spinning from everything I just learned.

"What?" he asked, unsure if he heard me correctly.

My vision now back to normal and the dizziness pretty much gone I asked much stronger than before, "Who is she? Who are you working for? And what do they want with me?"

"How do you-" Evan stopped himself and shook his head. "Get the heck out of my house."

I stood up and walked over to the door, then I stopped and turned back to face him. "Evan just tell me what's going on."

"Get out!" he yelled, as he threw his glass. I flinched as it shattered when it hit the wall next to me.

A few seconds later Sam was beside me. "What's going on?" he asked, looking from Evan to the broken glass on the floor, to the blood below my nose.

"I can't help you, Riley. So just leave." Evan said. I knew he meant about Jay and about what was going on. He couldn't tell me and now he was scared and worried about what was going to happen because of what I knew. When I didn't move he yelled. "Leave!"

I stood there for a moment focusing on his feelings. He was now more worried for me then himself. I didn't understand. I knew something was going on and Evan was working for someone, but now I had even more questions than before.

When Sam realized I wasn't moving he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room and out of the house. He took the keys from me and put me in the passenger seat. When he got in the car he started it to get the heat going. He drove the car down the street a little and then pulled over, put the car in park and looked at me. "What happened back there?" he asked, as he placed his hands on my face and examined it for any marks.

"Evan's working for someone, a woman." I answered staring out the window.

"You don't know that, Riley" he sighed, and turned to face forward.

"I know." I said, now looking at him. "I saw it. He is working for some woman and she wants something."

"What does any of this have to do with you?" Sam asked.

"I'm in her way."

A/N I know short chapter but I couldn't wait to share another chapter with you all! So many reads have been coming in over the past few days so i really hope you enjoy this chapter. Tell me, what you think about what you found out about Evan? What do you think will happen next??

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