Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful autumn day in Boston. No cases had come up for the Boston homicide department, so much to Jane's dismay, they (Korsak, Frost, Jane and Frankie) were all sat down doing paperwork at their desks. Any excuse to get out of writing up all the old case reports was gladly welcomed from both Jane and Frankie.

"Hey, you know that case with the crazy guy?" Frankie asked.

"Frankie, you have got to be more specific than that 'crazy guy'. Because we deal with a lot of those.' Frost snapped who was clearly finding the work stressful.

"Woah, sorry. I mean the one where he killed his girlfriend in the hospital after she had had his baby." Frankie muttered. That particular case had been emotional for all of them but especially for Jane and Maura. Frankie had hoped that Frost or Korsak had understood what case he was referring to without him actually having to say it, as every time someone bought it up it upset Jane greatly.

"Uh, that would be the Martin case." Korsak replied slowly watching Jane. She had gone from looking bored and miserable to confused and upset in a matter of seconds.

"Ah, thanks Korsak." Frankie murmured whilst he got up and started walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jane whispered.

"Uh, I'll be back in a bit Jane." Frankie answered.

He briskly walked toward the elevator and stepped inside. He hesitantly pressed the downward arrow and he felt the elevator move slowly downward. He stepped out and cautiously opened the door to Maura's office.

"Hey, can I, um, come in?" Frankie stuttered looking at the medical examiner who was sat in the chair behind her desk.

"Frankie, of course you can." Maura smiled.

"I, um, need to talk to someone. That's not Ma or Jane." Frankie looked to Maura, who's hazel eyes stared right back into his.

"Frankie, are you alright?" Maura questioned as she rose from her chair and walked over to Frankie.

"Uh, I'm not sure." Frankie said quietly as He pulled Maura into a tight hug. Maura was quite taken aback by the gesture but soon relaxed into his embrace and hugged him back.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry." Frankie started on the verge of tears.

"No, it's okay. What's bought this on though?" Maura asked politely.

"Do you think I've made the wrong decision?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, working here with Jane. Every time I bring something like the Martin case up that makes her upset. I always feel so guilty because she's my sister and i'm the one that upset her. Do you think I should move and be with NYPD or something?"

"No." Maura shouted. Frankie jumped at the forcefulness and sincerity in her voice. "Look, I'm sorry, why would you want to move? We all love you being here!" Maura quietly said wiping the tears away from Frankie's cheek.

"I love being here with you and Ma and everyone else but I don't think I should be here. This is Janie's place. I just, I don't know."

"Jane loves you being here, Frankie. We all do. Sure, she was here before you but we all still need and want you here." Maura said nearly crying. Frankie took her hand and led her to the couch.

"I'm sorry I made you upset." Frankie whispered whilst he pulled her into another hug.

"Please don't leave. I love you being here." Maura pleaded looking into Frankie's eyes.

"I love being here with you." Frankie whispered into her ear. He kissed her cheek and headed toward the door. He turned in the doorway and looked at Maura who smiled back at him.

"I will come and see you later." Frankie smiled and said politely.

"Okay, go work 'cause we need you you know!" Maura smiled back.

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