Chapter 4

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"So, we have Sophie who's 5 in 3 months time, Bethany who is 4 months old, and they are the daughters of our victim Mary Keys. The girls biological father John Hunter died in a motorcycle accident on the way to pick Sophie up from a ballet recital."

"So, if the girls biological dad died, our murderer must be just a care giver." Frankie stated.

"Exactly, he's there stepfather..." Frost started whilst typing quickly on the keyboard.

"No, he's not their stepdad, fathers don't kill their children's mothers." Frankie sighed walking out the room.
He sighed as he stepped into the elevator and pressed the down arrow.

"Hey, Frankie." Maura whispered.

"Hey." Frankie walked over to Maura, who was sat behind her desk. "Where are the girls?"

Maura motioned toward the couch in her office, where Sophie was led asleep on the sofa whilst tightly holding Bethany and Dr. Splashy.

"That's pretty cute." Frankie smiled.

"Yeah, it is. Anyways what brings you down here?" Maura asked curiously.

"Well, I, um, came to see if you were okay. So are you okay?"

"I'm okay." Maura laughed. "I'm just going to finish this autopsy report and I'll be done." Maura smiled.

"I'll wait if you want so I can help you get the girls upstairs?" Frankie offered. All he really wanted to do was spend more time with her.

"That would be great, thanks!"

Frankie slowly walked over to where Sophie and Bethany were laying asleep. He slowly took Bethany out of Sophies arms and put he into her car seat with out waking her up.

"Yesssss!" Frankie exclaimed excitedly. "I didn't wake her up, I didn't wake her up!" Frankie sang while he danced around Maura's office causing her to laugh.

"Well done, Frankie!" Maura's smile grew even bigger as she got up and put her coat on. "I'm very proud of you!" Maura picked up her bag and walked over to Frankie.

"Thank you." Frankie expressed before kissing her forehead shocking both her and himself. Maura blushed furiously before walking over to Sophie. She gently stroked her nose as Sophie eyelids began to flutter open.

"Sorry to wake you, sweetie."

"It's okay but where did Bethany go... OH MY GOSH DID I DROP HER." Sophie screamed and started to frantically search the floor.

"No. No, Frankie's got her. See?" Maura said softly pointing in Frankie and Bethany's direction.

"Oh, okay. You can breathe now Dr. Splashy." Sophie patted the elephants head. Frankie grinned and chucked Maura Sophies coat.

"Right, coat on."

"Kk." Sophie put her coat on.

"Shoes on? Yes they are. Okay let's go!"

"Where are we going?"

"Back to Mauras house!" Frankie smiled at the little girl who skipped out of mauras office door. Frankie picked up Bethany who was still sound asleep in her car seat. Maura shut the morgue door and locked it. After she grabbed Frankies spare hand and they walked hand in hand to the elevator. Once they were all in and travelling up, Frankie leaned over to Mauras ear.

"Why are you holding my hand?" Frankie whispered.

"Why did you keep kissing and hugging me?" Maura smiled and let go off his hand as they all stepped out knowing that someone would see them. Frankie blushed and followed Maura toward the division one cafe where he could see his Ma talking to someone who was all too familiar.

"Frankie it's..." Maura sounded panicked

"I know, it's Casey."

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