Chapter 30

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"You ready to go babe?" Frankie walked into Maura's office.

"Yeah, let me just shut my laptop down. You okay honey?" Maura looked at him.

"I'm alright. Frost has a date." Frankie watched Maura as she looked at her closed laptop.

"Seriously? What happened to the never ending love for Jane?" Maura sounded upset. She stood up slowly given her current condition and waddled over to Frankie.

"I don't know babe. Let's get home, we can get the girls to bed and do baby things." Frankie smiled. He was really enjoying shopping for onesies and pushchairs and all for the other things you had to do in order to prepare for a baby.

"Yeah, let's go. I'll just grab my coat and laptop bag."

"Uh, I'll be carrying that." Frankie walked up to the massive bag and put it over his shoulder.

"Purple really suits you Frankie." Maura laughed.

"Mommy!" Sophie ran over to Maura and hugged her gently. "Hi baby!" Sophie patted Maura's belly and walked back to the kitchen area of the house.

"Where's Angela and Beth?" Maura followed her daughter over to the kitchen island.

"They went to go and get flour. We making cookies. Grandma says we have to practise for Christmas." Christmas was about 3 weeks away and both Sophie and Angela had decided to make lots of sugary Christmas things from fudge to gingerbread to cakes. "Where's daddy?" Sophie asked.

"He's talking on the phone to uncle Frost. Have you got any homework?"

"Yeah, I gots spelling. But they all Christmassy words."

"Maura! Your home." Angela walked into the house and sat Bethany by a stack of building blocks. She then walked over and hugged the nearly 6 month pregnant woman. Bethany pulled herself into a standing position using the coffee table and grinned at her mother.

"Frankie, is he okay?" Maura turned as Frankie walked into their house.

"Yeah he's fine but he says tha... She's walking. Look." Frankie briskly walked to Maura was and watched as Bethany walked unsteadily toward the couple. He crouched down held his hands out to her. Beth walked into his arms and giggled as she put her head on his shoulder to look at her sister and grandma who were walking over to her clapping.

"Well done baby." Maura kissed her head.

"Yeah well done Bethy." Sophie climbed on the sofa earning her a look for both her parents. She jumped down and ran back toward the kitchen island. "Mommy, daddy. Come look at the cookies." The three adults walked over to the kitchen and looked at the snowmen and reindeer cookies laying on baking trays.

"Oh, they're great Sophie." Maura kissed her daughters cheek and put her hand on her tummy.

"He doing it again?" Frankie asked eyes wide.

"Yep." Maura leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Is he doing what again?" Angela asked.

"Kicking." Maura smiled at Angela who stopped rolling out dough and hugged Maura.

"That's great! When did it happen?"

"Earlier, it made me jump." Frankie laughed putting Beth down.

"Uh, mommy." Sophie looked at her mother.

"What's up baby."

" I just touched my tooth and it came out."

"Ah, let me see." Sophie held her tooth up to Maura. "Okay, open your mouth."

"It's fine, right you need to go and wash your hands and then..."

"TOOTH FAIRY!!" Sophie hopped of the stool and ran to the bathroom.

"Well that was fun. All of our kids archived milestones today. Kicking, walking and losing teeth." Frankie kissed Maura.

"I love you Mr Rizzoli."

"I love you too Miss to be Rizzoli."

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