Chapter 11

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"SOPHIE." Frankie yelled and the child came running back to them.

"Yes, daddy." She grinned at Frankie. Maura picked the child up and put her on her hip.

"We're are going shopping!" Frankie smiled. Sophie's grin faded into a frown.

"Shopping isn't fun." She stated.

"Well, now that your going to live with Frankie and I you need some more clothes and toys. So, that's why we're going shopping."

"So it's not boring shopping?"

"No, we do have to go get tea though."

"Okay, is Beth still asleep?" Sophie looked into the pram.

"Yes, she'll probably wake up soon so let's get going." Frankie started pushing the pram back to Maura's house.

Frankie's car was outside so he got his daughters strapped in whilst Maura went to tell the others they were going out for a bit.

"Sorted?" He lent over and kissed his girlfriends check once she got in the car.

"Yep, we need to work an order out so like..."

"Stop panicking baby!" Frankie knew that Maura was going to become anxious about making sure everything was perfect for their new family.

"Mommy?" Maura knew she would never hear of tire of hearing that.

"Yes sweetie."

"How much are we gonna gets?"

"A lot. You also need to think about what colour you want your room to be, your gonna have to share with Bethany though but she's only little so we thought it would be okay."

"It's cool, we used to share at our old house." At that moment Frankie's phone started ringing. Maura read out the number to him.

"Ah, that's their case worker. Can you answer please babe."

"Yeah sure." Maura picked up the phone and about ten minutes later she ended the phone call. "We can go sort it all out now."

"What do you mean?"

"Finalise the adoption. She said because she has a lot of cases coming up she'd rather just sort it out now rather than making us all wait for no reason." Maura smiled.

"I didn't know that case workers and court could be so cooperative and not just a bunch of as...teroids." Frankie glanced in the rear-view mirror at his eldest daughter.

"You were gonna say something bad. Weren't you daddy?" She giggled.

"Yes BUT I didn't so it's okay." He indicated right into the court car park. "You ready babe?" Frankie looked Maura in the eyes.

"What if they say no, Frankie?" Maura sighed breaking eye contact with him.

"Hey, they have no reason not to let us take them in."

"But what they've been this great about the adoption considering we've only known them for a day and then it turns out..."

"Stop Maur, it's gonna be fine so stop getting so worked up about something that won't happen." He opened his car door and got out. He then opened the other left door and picked up Bethany in her car/carry seat. Maura got out and got Sophie out the car. The four of them walked inside the court and Frankie stopped just outside the girls case workers office.

"What's up babe?"

"Okay, so, now I'm freaking out!" Frankie started to panic.

"Daddy, it will be okays becoz you guys is ments to be my mommy and daddy. Das why all of this happen becoz we can all find eachother and be a family. So they have to say I can stay with you." At this point Frankie had lost it and was crying like mad. Sophie placed her hand in Frankie's free one and grabbed Maura's too. "LETS GO GET ANOPTED!" Sophie shouted.

"Shhhhh..." Both adults followed their child toward a Ms. S Moore's office.

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