Our New Chapter

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I crossed the bridge
With empty hands,
Just a heart
And a smile to start.

Joe's pov:
I woke up with weight on my chest. I peeked, opening my eyes enough to see a blurry figure, with pink hair. It took me a second to remember what happened yesterday and my heart squeezed from excitement.
I slowly pushed Kaoru aside, making sure not to wake him up and got out of bed. I left the room, making my way to the kitchen. I wanted to surprise him and make it up for all the crying I made him go through yesterday. I decided to make him some pancakes with fruits on top and some whipped cream. Not to forget his usual coffee, just the way he likes it.

The entire time while preparing the batter all I could only think of is yesterday, recalling moments here and there and how beautiful he looked.

"I can't believe we are dating" I let out, flipping the first pancake. His kiss left traces on my lips but I was still not satisfied. I wanted more.

As I was about to prepare the whipped cream, I felt hands making their way to my waist and hugging me tightly. A head bumped into my back, resting.

"It's still early... go sleep more" I knew it was Kaoru. I remembered his touch.
He shakes his head signaling that he doesn't want to go back to sleep. Adorable.

"Babe, I'm making breakfast. Wait for me in the room" I suggest again but this time I could feel kisses being traced down my spine. "Kaoru, wait a bit, I'm working..." I said again, hoping he would let go. I could feel my body tense up to his every touch and my face turning red.

"You don't like it?" He said with a childish tone, teasing me so I turn around and face him.

"I do love but I'm trying to work here. I don't think you want to eat burnt pancakes." I looked at him for what seemed to be a second, then went back to mixing.

"Ko come on, just look at me for a second please"

Fuck. This man is really dangerous. I turn around to face him, only to be jumped on. His legs were wrapped around my waist tightly making sure that he doesn't fall down.

"Kaoru, you are going to fall!" I screamed, letting go of everything and holding him, scared to drop him. It was sudden jump. I sighed and looked at him in relief. He giggled and made his way to my lips. This man is driving me crazy.

But, something was not right. Kaoru wouldn't be this touchy except if something happened.
"Baby, is something the matter" I asked, letting go of the kiss. He looked at me, inspecting every single part of me which made me blush. His face was too close to me.

"I was scared you left" he managed to say after observing me for some time.

"Baby come here" I walked toward the counter behind us placing Kaoru on it. He was now sitting on the counter, looking at floor. It felt like he has lost every drop of confidence he had in him just a second ago. I place my hand on his chin and lifted his face to face me. "I love you, okay? I don't know why you can't seem to believe me and I know everything was too sudden. I still can't fully believe it but I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I didn't waste anytime after letting those words out of my mouth and kissed him. We locked our lips deep into each other. The kiss got more heated by the second. I licked his lower lip, asking for permission to enter. He immediately opened his mouth, enough to let me slip my tongue in. The kiss got wetter and stickier. Our breath got faster and heavier until I felt a hand making its way to my hair, grabbing it and pushing my face away from his. My lips were barely away from his and I could still feel his heavy breath. Only a string of saliva connecting us.

Cherry's pov:
When I woke up, the bed was cold. It felt empty and spacious. It took me a minute to realize I was all alone and that Joe had left the room. I open my eyes widely, sitting up quickly. My heart was racing and my hands shaking. 'I knew it' kept replaying in my head.
"Why would he stay... was it even real..." I whispered as I look at the wall in front of me. This empty white wall reminded me of a life without Kojiro. Blanc and cold. "I hate it"  I whispered it.

I was ready to get out of bed when I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I stopped and pinched myself making sure I'm not dreaming. As soon as I felt the pain traveling down my hand, I rushed out of my bed, running out of the room, searching for the sound. It came from the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, Joe was cooking.
Joe was still here.
He didn't leave. I felt a wave of relief enter my body. I could breath.
My insecurities fooled me again. "I hated it" I whispered again before getting close to my big gorilla. I wrapped my arms around his waist making him jump a little from the chock.

(Now we are back to when Cherry was sitting on the counter)

"Baby, you feeling better?" Kojiro asked, playing with my bed hair.

I nodded and kissed his cheek. I got off the counter and made my way to the dining table, waiting patiently for the food.
Few minutes later, Joe appeared with two plates filled with at least 5-6 pancakes each, fruits and whipped cream. The coffee were already on the table.

"Thank you Ko" I smiled before digging into the food. Kojiro's food always reminded me of home.
After my first bite, I knew that it won't be our last meal. I finally understood that this meal was like our personal contract. We signed it. I didn't have to worry about him disappearing. I was sure that I will always find him. He was mine and I was his.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked breaking my chain of thoughts. He probably got worried since I stopped eating for some time.

"Nothing... the food is perfect!" I smiled, giving him the reassurance and comfort he was craving before going back to devouring his breakfast.

"Let's go to S tonight..." he suggested, grabbing a sip from his coffee.

"Sure... let's go skate! It's been a while"
I was happy. I wanted this day to never end. "Thank you" I secretly whispered one last time before taking as well a sip from the coffee. It was just perfect.

🌸Thank you guys for supporting! The next chapter might contain some against or not.. hehe🌸
If you have any recommendations yand suggestions please feel free to write them down in the comment🍵

Different Shades of Pink and Green/ matchablossom 🍵🌸Where stories live. Discover now