The Encounter.

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Just like a storm
Everything I knew was destroyed.
Life was still unknown
And more broken than before.

Joe's pov:

I never thought that one phone call could break me. I remember it very well... how could I forget?

I was heading to the convenient store to get some snacks as an excuse to leave my house and breath. I was feeling suffocated. The walls were getting closer, crushing, and trapping me. I felt cornered and I wanted a way out.

Kaoru used to be always around to help and studying would feel... just easy. But he has been going places that he didn't want me to know of. Places I bet that where dangerous... but I couldn't ask him to stay... I was not his boyfriend. When I asked him where he went, he would just brush it off with a stupid lie. So, I acted dumb and pretended that I was clueless. He was finally smiling again after breaking up with Adam and that was all that mattered to me.

The night was dark, and the stars were fading. I felt a heavy feeling, dragging me down as if I was being swallowed by the earth bellow. Should I call Kaoru? I kept asking myself repeatedly, trying to seek comfort in the empty black void. 'I hope you are okay Kaoru...' I whispered under my breath.

I slowed my pace, feeling a wave of stress eating me up. I had forgotten what it felt like to have fun, going to buy snacks, and sharing it with friends. I used to do it a lot with Kaoru, but he was fading away like the stars above, taking away all the colorful memories we created.

'I miss him' I told the night.

As I was getting closer to the store, I felt a vibration in my pocket. It was my phone, ringing. I took it out, only to see Kaoru's name. My heart dropped. Something was wrong.

"Hello" a mysterious voice said the second I answered.

"Hello... who is this?" I asked, hoping my previous assumptions were false. My heart was beating loud that I was scared that the mysterious person on the other side of the line could hear it. I was dying of curiosity, and it was the most stressful moment I ever experienced.

Seconds felts like an eternity that I wanted so deeply to escape.

"Is that um... Kojiro?" the voice asked.

"Yes." I quickly replied, not wanting to waste any more time.

"Um..." it was obvious that the person was having trouble talking. I was about to scream but tried my best to calm down... for the sake of Kaoru. "Kaoru... um...your friend um... has been admitted to the local hospital." The voice kept talking but I couldn't hear anything. It was like my ears have disappeared and my eyes were shut close. I just felt the darkness surrounding me and I stopped breathing. The words 'Kaoru' and 'Hospital' froze me to death. I wished that I was dreaming. That I fell asleep while studying but as much as I wanted to believe that it was not real, my heart pushed me to speak.

"Is..." I took a breath in and continued "is he okay?" I managed to say after a long pause.

"I don't know... the doctors are not yet out... could you just come, and we can talk here?"

"On my way. I need few minutes and I will be there" As soon as I said those words, I hang up the phone and sprinted to the hospital. My feet were running on their own, my body was guiding my every movement. My head... was filled with Kaoru.

'Please be okay...'

I reached the hospital in no time. I don't remember how I got there but as soon as the doors opened, I saw a man standing next to the counter. It had to be him... the guy I talked to.

Different Shades of Pink and Green/ matchablossom 🍵🌸Where stories live. Discover now