Missing Communication

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I tried hiding
To escape reality
The sound of your voice
Saved me.

Cherry's pov:

I hated him! Why...? Why! WHY?! Why did he decided to leave me for her? I knew it I was not good enough! Why would I, a man... why would I be a good match for him...

Was it because of the sex? Because he was bored of women, and he wanted to try something new...

"I love you, Koaru"

What a bunch of lies!

Being around me and helping me in my toughest times was a duty as my best friend... not because he saw me as a lover... I wished I didn't believe in his words so easily! If only I took some precautions, maybe my heart wouldn't hurt this much.

I was sitting in the hotel room, getting ready to go to the hot spring with the others. But I didn't want to go... not after what happened... what if he invited her to the hot spring too or what if he was right now with her, having a drink or staring at the stars. What if they were holding each other's hands or kissing? What if he was whispering her sweet words like he did with me? I couldn't imagine it in my head... I didn't want to.


Damn it... I don't want to see him right now. He already suspected that I was not okay during dinner.


"Hey, are you okay" Kojiro whispered, getting closer to my ear.

I turned around, our faces inches apart. I didn't want to be near him. "I... I... yes I am" I said, nervously. I didn't want to confront him... I feared he might say...

"You sure babe?"

Don't call me babe... don't act as if nothing had happened. Be mean and let me hate you. "Yes, don't worry, I'm fine. Just tired."

"Fine... if you don't want to talk, it's okay" he sighed.

"The thing is there is nothing to talk about! I said I am okay! Why are you so persistent!" I lashed out, making my way out of the dinning room. There was so much to say but I was a coward and didn't want to face them head on. I was not ready to say goodbye to Kojiro. I still wanted him in my life.

"KAORU WAIT!" He screamed, before I slapped the door shut, rushing my way to my room.

End of Flashback.

Here I am now sitting on my bed, alone. I couldn't tell him what really bothered me. But why was he acting so shocked and confused. Not a single drop of guilt was on his face or in his voice. I would lie if I said that this didn't scare me at all... and doubt was taking over my every action. I knew better than to act childish. An adult should be able to talk this out, listen to the other point of view... but I was incapable of such behavior right now.

A sudden knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts and emotions. For a second, I felt the need to cry but I held myself from doing so.

"Who is there?" I said.

"It's me, Kojiro... can I come in?" yes... I almost cried hearing his voice. It felt like ages.

I'm sorry, my heart is weak.

Joe's pov:

Kaoru been acting very weird since the beach. It was not just at dinner, but I felt it before... he stopped looking at me or he would zone out mid conversation. After waking up from his nap, he was just not the same and it was starting to really worry me.

Different Shades of Pink and Green/ matchablossom 🍵🌸Where stories live. Discover now