Teenagers in Love, Part 1

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This chapter will be focusing more on Reki and Langa... and their love. I wanted to give Cherry and Joe some time to rest and enjoy their relationship more before the - hehehe... no spoilers... Anyway, just be ready for some fluff and maybe a little against. The story takes place at the beach... the sun before the storm. For all of sk8 watcher, you all know what episode I am referring to. But I will be changing it to my liking. There is also going to be some Matchablossom but the main focus will be on Ranga.

Lost in thoughts
Understanding my heart
I grabbed you in my arms
He smiled... 'Thank you' I whispered.

Reki's pov:

After hurting myself in my previous match I was instructed from the doctor to take it easy and relax. But I didn't want to... the fire inside of me couldn't keep quiet. I wanted to skate with Langa until I could feel like I could fly. Unfortunately, Langa went with me to the doctor. He was quick to panic and take everything seriously. He didn't leave my side since then... I been stuck around him. The worst part was that we were hanging out together doing NOTHING. I would watch him sometimes skate but that was just teasing me.

"Don't even think about it!" Langa yelled from the other side of the skating park. I was trying to stand on my skating board... but even that was forbidden. That sucked. I sighed.

"I wasn't doing anything" lying, trying to prevent another lecture. As I was sitting back down, I saw Langa approach me. Getting closer to me, his skateboard in his hands, he had this worried look. "Here we go again" I whispered.

"Reki... you know you can't skate yet. The doctor said..."

"Yeah, yeah I know." I interrupted him before he could repeat the same sentence for the tenth time today.

He knelt, facing me. I was tired of this. I couldn't stay still for another second. I looked down at the floor, playing with a small rock, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Look at me" he demanded.

"Langa there is no need to worry... I understand." I said, hoping he would just leave me alone.

He sighed, lifting my face to look at him. We were so close to each other, it felt weird. It was not the first time that I felt this way... my cheeks would heat up and my heart would start beating faster.

"Reki... I am just worried. I can't skate if it is not with you..." he smiled. "So please rest so you can heal faster"

Before I could respond and reassure him again my phone vibrated. I got it out of my pocket, and it was a message from Miya.

[Text message:

Cat boy: Wanna go to the beach tomorrow. Me, you, Shadow and Langa?

ME: Hell yes!]

I was smiling, looking at the screen of my phone. Langa noticed and he got closer to my face. It took me a while to notice the distance that was separating us, before I push myself away from him, getting red as a tomato. Why doesn't he get embarrassed...? Doesn't it bother him being this close to me? Does it even affect him? I thought, looking to the side, trying to calm my heart.

"LANGA! Don't- I mean why are you so close...?" I managed to say.

"What's wrong?" He chuckled as he looked at me.

"N-N-Nothing" I answered, still averting my eyes away from him.

"Who was that?" he asked, getting more curious about the text.

"Miya... he asked me if we wanted to go to the beach with him tomorrow with him and Shadow"

"The beach? Let's go!" he jumped back up, making my heart skip a beat.

The sun was setting, painting the sky with a reddish, orange color. Beautiful. Langa and I stared at it, silently.

"Thank you..." I whispered underneath my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

Langa's pov:

The next day, I got ready, packing everything I needed and headed to Reki's house. As I was skate boarding, I noticed the silent town beneath me. being with Reki, I never had the time to look around me. It felt all new.

I met Reki a few months ago but we got really close, very quickly. At first his hyper and bubbly personality shocked me but as time passed by, I noticed that I was drowned to it. It was hypnotizing. Everything about him was just beautiful... and I couldn't get enough. Having him injured made me realized one thing: I like him so much... maybe more than friends. But we are two guys... how can that be? I wanted him to heal fast so we could skate again like before. I missed him.

"REKI!" I yelled, outside his window.

After a while, a red-haired boy looked out of the window, smiling. My heart skipped a beat.

"I will be there in a minute! Wait for me please!" He yelled before disappearing back inside the house.

I didn't know how to explain my emotions, but he made me nervous and happy at the same time. He had a sort of spell on me, and I was scared to understand what it meant. That was why, most of the time, I hid them, making sure he doesn't notice them by goofing around. But deep inside my heart was about to explode. I didn't want Reki to leave me or think of me differently. I was afraid of never skating with him again. That was something I could not bear.

It was always hard on me to express my feelings easily. My face showed little emotions, so people usually never bothered asking me about them. I learnt to hide them and keep them to myself. That was what I should do with Reki... right?

"Langa, sorry for the wait!" a voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Let's go... Shadow is waiting for us at his shop" I said, hopping on my skateboard.

Reki rushed behind me, running, trying to keep up. I didn't want to look at him because if I did, I knew I would get weird again. I would lose control over my emotions.

"Wait Langa!" Reki screamed, running.

I stopped. For a second, I wanted to just grab him by the face and tell him that he was special to me but at the same time I wanted to run away... far away from him.

Still looking in front of me, averting my eyes from his, I asked: "Sorry, was I speeding too much...?"

"Langa..." he said catching his breath "Look at me for a second"

I didn't move an inch. I didn't want to... what if he hates me...? What if my eyes spoke the truth of my heart?

"I said look at me" he repeated, grabbing my face in his hands, making me look at him.

"Wha... What's wrong?" I stuttered, trying to escape this situation at all costs.

"Tell me what you are hiding..." he said in a worried tone. I hated that I made him feel that way.

"Reki there is nothing wrong..."

"Liar." He interrupted me, still grabbing my face in his hand.


"I wish you would be more honest with me" he said before letting go and walking pass me.

"Reki wait!" I screamed, scared of letting go. I was shaking, frozen in place. I messed up!

"Langa it's okay... take the time you need to tell me, but I hope it's soon. I don't like having secrets between us" He said not looking at my face. I know by his voice that he was upset and that I did in fact hurt him.

"I'm sorry... wait for me." I whispered, before getting closer to him and hugging him from behind. I squeezed him tight afraid of letting him go. We kept silent, walking toward the flower shop. I made the atmosphere weird between us... I hated it. Sorry.

I love you. Now, I know that for sure.
"Wait for me"

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