Dear Ko,

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TRIGGER WARNING: THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN SENSITIVE AND TRIGERRING CONTENTS SUCH AS MENTION OF SUICIDE and SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. Please be aware of the risk of reading this chapter. Remember that you come first and that your mental health is more important!

I covered all traces
Leading to the truth.
I just wanted to breath,
One last time
Before it all ends.

Cherry's pov:

My entire body ached. My eyes felt heavy, and it was hard to open them. I heard someone calling for me, but it felt so far away. The voice was warm and familiar... I wanted to see who it was. I didn't understand where I was or what I was doing... was I still alive or was that what it felt like entering hell. I would give anything to see the light one last time. To see my light... Ko.

'Help me, Ko'

The voice got stronger and closer... it was clearer. That voice was similar to Kojiro's... hold on! It was Ko! It didn't matter how much pain I was feeling, I was ready to suffer to see him, hear him and touch him.

'If anyone can hear me: let me be with him one last time before taking me away' I prayed to the universe.

My eyes were burning me. The light managed to slip in the small gap I created. My mind was screaming: 'TRY HARDER! OPEN UP!' and I kept fighting. The gap got bigger with every scream and the light transformed into a figure. I didn't need to ask who it was... I knew immediately that it was Ko.

'I found you!'

"K- K..." I couldn't speak. My voice was cracking, and breathing was painful.

"I am here!" he yelled, rushing to my side, and grabbing my hand. "You're okay! You're fine... don't worry. You're safe..." he kept on repeating. It felt as if he was telling those words for himself. His hands were trembling, and his eyes were asking for help. I tried with all my strength to grab his hand tighter, but I was too weak. "It's okay... I was... no I mean" he sighed "I am so glad you are okay. When I heard from Haru that you were admitted to the hospital I felt weak in my knees and was about to drop on the floor." His words were messy coming out of his mouth, but they brought me comfort.

At last, I am home.

"Can... Can you...." Fuck my voice. Fuck my throat. I didn't care, I needed to speak. "Can you... lay... next to... m-me?" I finally managed to say. Hallelujah.

"But you are hurt... don't push yourself. I will stay here on the chair, beside you." He let out.

"N-No... co-come" with every word I said, the fire in my lungs would grow stronger. It felt like a volcano. But that pain was all worth it. Without any hesitation, Kojiro slowly pushed me to the side so he could fit in this tiny hospital bed. He laid carefully next to me and in no time, I was in his embrace. Kojiro was acting weird. He would never be this bold, but I doubt he knew what he was doing. I needed his touch, his warmth... because I remembered everything. I didn't care about anything else, I only wanted him... I wanted to forget even if it was for a second. Kojiro helped me breathe a little. I was safe. I was glad that the first person I was able to see was him.

"Kaoru..." he took a breath in before continuing "do you remember what happened to you?" Fuck. I immediately shook my head signaling that I didn't know. But I did. I couldn't tell him about it because his reaction would be unknown to me... I was scared. As soon as the silence filled the room, the 'what if' contaminated my brain:

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