Rumble - Side Story #2

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Author note: Hello hello! I am sorry for the delay again! I never thought  writing side stories is that hard! My mind  has been all over the place.

I witnessed the lightening
The thunder was bound to happen.
I chose to ignore it,
And it crumbled beneath me.

Tadashi's pov:

All I ever wanted was a friend. I was lonely. Every day was the same routine. Wake up, help my parents with work, skate for a little and sleep. To dream to find someone that could make me smile, play with me, and share my stories was just too much to ask for someone with no status, no money... nothing. Who would stay when you have nothing to offer?

I just had my skateboard. That's all I was good at.

But one day, I heard a noise coming from the side of the back door of the mansion. A little boy, with blue hair sat, sobbing... all alone. He resembled me and I couldn't help but approach him. He felt fragile. I wanted to help. So, I offered him the only thing I had... my skateboard.

Little did I know,
What I gave to him
Will be taken away
And everything with it.

Since then, I had to learn that life doesn't come easy. No matter what you give, if you don't share the same power, you were bound to fall. I fell and dragged the young master with me.

I couldn't blame him... he hated me. I should have never given him unreachable hope. But I thought maybe he needed it. Or maybe it was me who needed it...

I was selfish.

He kept on falling deeper and deeper and I couldn't control it anymore. The young master became obsessed with his own madness.

I led him to become this monster. I made him lose the little child that used to smile.

I had to stop it and being around him was just hurting him.

He might not know but I know about the unstoppable nightmares he has in the middle of the night and the scars covering his body.

I vowed to protect him from his own madness, but I was just adding more suffering to his flames.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY" He screamed, rushing toward were I was standing.

His gaze was dark and filled with demons he was ready to release. His movements were all destructive. It was painful to watch him.

Inches away from my face. I was waiting. The storm was about to start. If he wanted to hit me or punch me, I was prepared.

"I asked what the fuck did you say?" he whispered deep inside my ears. It felt like poison. But I had to do it. I had to face the horror. It was fate.

"Sir, I think it is best that we keep our distance. I don't think I can be of any help anymore..." I let out. My lips trembling and my voice cracking.

No words.
No reactions.
All I could feel was the rumbling sound
From far.

It was soon coming.
The end of us.

I closed my eyes, still waiting. Any second now and I would be shattered.

But what he did next was unexpected. He fell on his knees and started to laugh uncontrollably. His face staring at the wooden cold floor. Just pure madness. He broke.

My eyes wouldn't leave the scene. I was frozen and scared.

Did I make it worse than it already was? Did I ruin him even more?

My legs were giving up as well and without warning, I found myself on my knees, facing him.

"Adam..." my voice broke.

"Lea- leave me" he was crying. Tears dropped one after the other on his hands, just like the rain outside.

In the end, it wasn't I that got destroyed... but Adam.

Adam's pov:

"I SAID LEAVE ME!" I yelled, trying to escape this suffocating feeling. I wanted to break everything. I wanted to destroy every last drop of happiness and turn it into a bloody field where I would be the only ruler. No one to hurt me anymore. Just myself. At least I would be safe.

"But sir..."

"TADASHI. LEAVE." I was serious. I couldn't stand his presence any longer. His smell made me dizzy; his touch made me feel disgusted and his voice made my heart aches.

He wanted to leave... so why is he still standing in front of me?

Just leave! I repeated over and over in my head.


"ADAM STOP!" before I could yell at him once again, he managed to silence my lips. My eyes have finally found their way up to his. He was broken. They were filled with tears.

"Why...?" I muttered.

"Why what? I don't know what to do with you anymore. Whether I stay or leave, I end up hurting you so WHAT CAN I DO?!" His voice echoed in my ears, sending goosebumps all over my body.

I never witnessed this facade of Tadashi before. It was new, scary but interesting at the same time. I couldn't stop staring. It was beautiful.

"Is it easy for you to say that you are leaving?" A took a breath in before I continued. "If yes, then teach me..." a pause "teach me HOW TO BBREAK FREE from humans!" I let out. The walls vibrated and I just felt lighter. All the weight that was pulling me down has started to evaporate.

"Adam..." he was crying. I could feel him hide his shaky voice deep inside his throat. He always tried to be strong, but I knew him better than anyone. After all he is...

"Just leave..." I whispered underneath the rain.

He was just someone I used to know

I was tired of fighting, breaking and being broken. I just wanted to rest for a moment and just listen to the rain caressing my window.

Not long after I spoke, I heard footsteps walking to the door.
A door opened and closed.
It was just me and my demons.

"Fuck." There was nothing left for me.
Why did I think he would stay?
I pushed him away. He is human after all... what did I expect?
Humans could never bring happiness to others.

I have always been afraid of humans.
They enter your heart with no caution
They feed it love
And then shatter it.

Is there really meaning to this word: happiness?

🌸Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Reminder I am not trying to give a reason for his rotten behavior but I believe everyone has a story that needs to be heard. I am not trying to explain or defend his action. What he did is unforgivable but he you all deserve to know where he comes. Plus we never knew what happened to him after Joe and Cherry reunite 🌸
Don't forget that you can suggests ideas if you want to! 🍵

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