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Tony P.O.V.

"Dad! Are you okay? Dad, what's wrong?" ,I yell loudly enough to get Ziva's attention. My dad takes a step inside breathing heavily and the way he's walking looks like he's in a lot of pain. He takes a few more steps and settles down on the couch. I shut the door and sit down next to him.
Ziva walks into the room and a bright eyed Tali stares at the new person, that she hasn't met before. Tali reaches out and grabs for my father.
" Junior," Senior starts off with, but is quickly interrupted by a series of long coughing fits, "you didn't tell me that you were a FATHER? Or that I was a grandfather? Are you two....?"
"No dad, not yet. But definitely soon.", I say giving Ziva a loving look. Senior nods in approval.
" I always knew you were the one for my Junior.", he says without hesitation.
"It's lovely to see you! It's been a long time since we last saw you. What's the reason for the visit this time?" , Ziva asks politely.
"Well, ummm.... Can both of you sit down?", Ziva takes a seat and places Tali gently in her lap, " I have been severely ill for the past few months, and I wanted to spend some time with family while I could...."
"Dad, what are you saying?", I interrupt, wondering why he waited so long to tell me. (I mean, I did kind of do the same thing. He did just find out he had a granddaughter, but that's not the point.)
Senior puts a hand on my shoulder and says, " Tony, I have cancer."

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz