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Tony P.O.V.

"Ziva!", I yell as her body is thrown backwards from the force. She hits the wall behind her, and is unconscious. There is blood all over her face, and her arm is twisted all the way back. I grab Ziva, and yell at Gibbs to start the car. I held Ziva in my arms the whole way to the hospital.

We get out, and I run faster than I have ever run before. I run into the building, and call for a doctor. No one seems to notice me.... Ziva's losing blood fast. I have to help her....... Ziva is my one & only. Ziva is my person, the one I want to grow old with. "Please, help!!!", I yell. Gibbs walks in, and grabs a doctor by the collar of his shirt. "Can't you see that she's going to die if nobody helps her?" The doctor steps back frightened.... "Well, answer me." Gibbs says.

The doctor looks at Ziva and realizes he should help her. He puts her on a stretcher, and connects wires to her. He finally connects the heart monitor, and I can hear that Ziva is still alive. Phew! That was close! I thought I was going to loose her. "Oh crap! This isn't good." ,the doctor states, "She needs to be operated on, right now!"

The nurses wheel the stretcher down the hall to prep Ziva for surgery. "What's wrong doctor?", I ask. He looks at me, and asks the question I knew was coming. "Did you know she was pregnant?"

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz