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Tony P.O.V.

I wake up and see a blinding light above me, and it really hurts my eyes. I look down and see a woman standing at the foot of the bed. She seems vaguely familiar, but I can't place a name to her face. Is she an NCIS agent? How do I know her? Why is she here?

I finally speak up, but can't really get a word out because of the breathing tube I'm connected to. She looks at me now and notices that I'm awake. She comes over to the bed and grabs my arm... She looks at me with a sincere look and says "You shouldn't be alive. You were supposed to die in your home when my men came to kill you and Ziva. It would have been much easier for me and less painful for you if you would have just gone along with the plan."

I open in my eyes in shock, and move my hand quickly towards the help button. She catches me though and bends my arm with the bullet wound backwards.

"Arghhhh", is all that comes out of my mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Did I hurt you?" she says.

I won't give her the pleasure of knowing that in fact she was hurting me. I try and think of a way to quickly get out of this mess, and I can't see anything. I'm going to die, I'm really going to die!

"Tony, I've heard that you've survived the plague. The pneumonic plague, in fact. Well I have a surprise for you... You're going to have it again soon. In this syringe is pneumonic plague, and I'm going to inject it into your IV. It's the quickest way to the bloodstream, and then I'm going to go back to Mossad headquarters and kill Ziva."

I finally place her name, it's Orli Elbaz. Orli Elbaz is going to kill me.

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz