Location, Location

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Gibbs P.O.V.

It's been almost 9 months since Abby & McGee were taken captive. We've been working hard, but we've also had other cases. Our one lead was Brian Sayers, but I shot him. I can't believe I was so stupid, if only I shot him in the leg.... He could've told us where they were. It's all my fault!

"Boss, I think I've found them!" Tony says as he walks in with Ziva right behind him. Ziva and Tony have been together a lot lately.... I wonder whats going on? I guess we'll talk about that later though. "Where, Dinozzo?", I ask getting impatient. " In an abandoned warehouse, owned by Bill Sayers. Bill is Brian's brother." Tony states.

"Grab your gear.", I yell as we head for the elevator. Ziva grabs the keys and hops in the drivers seat, let's hope we find them in time.

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz