Long Story

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Gibbs P.O.V.

"Quite a lot has happened, actually.", I say with a remark. Abby slaps me on the shoulder... "Gibbs! Just tell the story already.", Abby says getting impatient.

"Well Abbs, it could take a while but here it goes... After you were kidnapped, Ziva and Tony were in the hospital for quite some time. The day Tony woke up,he went outside and there stood Brian Sayers.", before I can continue Abby gasps.

"Gibbs, don't say that name! I don't want to hear or speak of him ever again. Actually, Gibbs what happened to him?", Abby asks.

"Abbs, I was getting to that. ", I say and Abby nods. I continue, " Tony just stood there, and I looked outside and I saw a gun. Brian lifted the gun and aimed it at Tony, and just before he shot it... I shot him. He was dead. We started our search for you two. We searched day and night, night and day. But we just couldn't get a lead. Finally after 9 months or so, Dinozzo got a lead to an abandoned warehouse owned by Bill Sayers... Brian's brother. We went there but you were gone. There was so much blood.... I thought you two had died.", I say through my sniffles.

Kelly starts to cry and Abby rocks the seat a little. Her cries soften to dull whimpers and Kelly soon falls back asleep. I'm about to start my story when McGee stomps on the break. He almost runs into a traffic clerk... He beeps his horn and continues driving after the woman has passed. "McGee watch where your going next time.", I say and give him the famous Gibbs slap, or so I've heard that's what it's called.

I laugh and decide to carry on with the story, " Now, where was I... Oh yeah. Ziva was searching through the cupboards and an explosion went off and Ziva was passed out. We took her to the hospital, and I come to find out that she is pregnant. PREGNANT! Pregnant with Tony's baby... She almost died... According to Dinozzo she actually did die.6 TIMES! She had to have an emergency c-section and delivered a daughter. Dinozzo's been by her side the whole time, I think he really does love her. She woke up and has been having problems recalling the last 10 years. Tony called not long ago, and informed me that she doesn't even remember what happened to Ari. I hope seeing you two can help her though.", I finish my story with a sigh.

"Man, Gibbs a lot has happened since we've been gone. What hospital are they at?", McGee asks.

"Doesn't matter. You two are going home and that's an order!", I command.

"No. Gibbs I'm going to help Ziva... ", Abby says.

"Me too. I want to help out as much as I possibly can.", McGee says. Abby smiles at him. I ponder what they have said in my mind for a bit. I finally cave and say, "Mercy Medical Center, it's downtown on 21st street. Take the next right and then you should be able to turn into the parking lot soon.", I say.

I hope Tony and Ziva are ready for us.

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz