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McGee P.O.V.

I ran to the nearest place that had a phone. It was a gas station, and the phones were just inside. I opened up the door and ran to the phones. I picked it up and dialed Gibbs as fast as I could. While it was ringing, I asked the man at the desk where we are. He pointed to the paper, and I realized that we were in Mexico. Mexico! What?? How'd we get here... Well I mean, how'd he get across the border with us in his backseat the whole time??

"Who is it?", an irritated Gibbs answered. " Boss! Boss! It's me McGee... I'm in Mexico, I'm not leaving yet. He still has Abby and the babies.", I say into the phone. " Stay there McGee. I'll be there as soon as I can." , and with that Gibbs hung up. Abby, what have I done... What if he kills her?? Or he kills the babies?? What will I do... I'll never be able to forgive myself.

Just then, the TV blares," Stolen vehicle found stranded just off M-69. There were two infants inside, and they are newborns. If you have any information, please call 555-678-1234." They're safe... Thank God, but where's Abby?

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz